Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
16-Nov-05/12:30 PM |
ALChemy, are you a Black?
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
16-Nov-05/12:29 PM |
Dear God you haven't really been there, have you? I toil next to St Paul's Cathedral, quite near Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. I'd hate to bump into you one day -- as a general rule I don't socialise with racists.
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
15-Nov-05/3:49 PM |
This conversation has taken a turn for the bow'ls.
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
12-Nov-05/1:36 PM |
That's one of the most patronising characterisations of a race I've ever seen. You have absolutely no idea what it means to see past a person's Negrality and treat them like a fucking adult. Not being racist entails slagging Negroes off exactly the same amount (down to the last insult) that you slag Normals off. I slag Normals off about once every 17 minutes. I slag Negroes off about once every 8 minutes. Therefore I'm a racist, especially when you take into account the fact that Negroes constitute a much smaller portion of the British population than Normals, and the fact that my golliwog msn messenger image constitutes a continuous, 24-hours-a-day insult to negroes everywhere.
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
6-Nov-05/4:20 PM |
If your veneer of racial impartiality was anything other than skin deep, you'd have no trouble answering the question. But you can't answer it, because you can't even think the word 'Negro' without tiptoeing around the subject, terrified of exposing the slightest hint of prejudice. The only thing more astounding than your closet racism is your complete lack of integrity. -0-
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
6-Nov-05/3:52 AM |
I prefer to call it gay. Firstly, thanks ever so much for pointing out that 'spastics are people too!' It was beside the point, however. I don't care how clever the average spastic is; everyone knows that 'spastic' is a common, amusingly obnoxious term for a generic retard. This is just another classic example of you instantly pouncing on every throwaway, deliberately offensive remark -=Dark_Angel=- makes, and explaining, in the most ernest tones you can muster, exactly why the remark betrayed a dreadful ignorance.
The appalling thing is that even if I *was* trying to say something about spastics in particular, your 'point' would merely constitute a short diversion from the argument, because for every intelligent spastic you can find, I can find a dozen, cosmically stupid mega-disableds, who definitely would fly into the nearest mountain. So my point about genetic inferiority stands, and yours ends up in the nearest spastics home.
As for the main thrust of your response, suppose:
(1) On average, Negroes are inferior to Normals at X, Y, and Z.
(2) On average Normals are inferior to Negroes at A, B, and C.
Then in the field of X, is it not sensible to favour Normals over Negroes given no other information? And is that not a DISCRIMINATION on the basis of RACE?
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
2-Nov-05/1:38 PM |
Given your belief that, by definition, different races have different physical characteristics, and given that the brain is a physical part of the body and has considerable influence over a person's behaviour, do you believe that discrimination on the basis of race is, in some cases, no more naughty than discrimination on the basis of genuine genetic inferiority? And is it not sensible to discriminate on the basis of genuine genetic inferiority? Would you let a spastic fly a plane? They'd almost certainly fly straight into a mountain.
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
1-Nov-05/4:48 PM |
As anyone who has met one knows, Cockneys are genetically poor, thick, and uncouth. Thus even by your definition of race I'm a racist.
Look, there are basically five characteristics defined by a person's race:
(1) Smell
(2) How brown they are
(3) Whether or not they eat disgusting foreign food
(4) Stupidity
(5) Physical and moral excellence (or lack thereof)
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
30-Oct-05/7:58 AM |
I am a racist, it's true. I used to think I was just a classist, because I hate poor people and think they are mostly a load of thickies. Then I realised that being classist is, de facto, being racist, because it's racist against Cockneys :(
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
29-Oct-05/2:08 AM |
That you think accusing me of having curly black hair is some sort of telling insult, proves beyond doubt that you're a racist.
Re: a comment on Racism by Dovina |
28-Oct-05/3:22 PM |
'How many friendships will never be known... ?' A better question would be 'How many lives have been saved?' For hundreds of years Man has tried to tame the Negro, but in all that time only one Negro can be said to have been fully domesticated, and that was Bill Cosby. Since then, Negroes have laid their eggs all over America, and where once a single Man, whipping for 24 hours a day, was enough to curb their beastly urges, Townsfolk now need to employ fifty such Men, each of them whipping furiously, drenched in sweat, and unable to adjust their Wellingtons. Eventually, they die of exposure. It is true, a Man may befriend a Negro, but that is simpy because the Negro is trying to lure the Man back to its burrow so it can make him watch Sidney Poitier films. Quite frankly, the 'doubt and reluctance' we all feel when approaching Negroes is the only thing stopping us from spouting afros and covering ourselves in ridiculous gold trinklets.
Re: a comment on "46 million babies a year" by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
29-Sep-05/3:22 PM |
"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast chopped off thine foreskin, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not chopped of their foreskins, and yet have believed."
John 20:29
Noah is so loved because he is by far the most Excellent character in the Bible:
"And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."
Genesis 9:20-25
Moral of the story? If you see your drunken father passed out naked on his tent, then you should be enslaved. What wisdom.
Re: a comment on Rejuvenation by Dovina |
23-Sep-05/3:24 PM |
OBSTINATE, headstrong girl I'm ashamed of you. Firstly, the collection of living things is not an Array, it's a Tree. Secondly, "the array of living things" doesn't even come close to being a context in which a Gentleman may meaningfully employ the word 'purpose' without further qualification. When we use the word 'purpose' we always do it with some wider context in mind. "The purpose of X is to do such-and-such so I can achieve Y." "The purpose of my hammer is to bang in this nail so my house doesn't fall down." The hammer's purpose is described by reference to a wider context, and it's purpose is entirely dependent on that context. It's nonsense to talk about its purpose in the context of itself. Hammers mean different things to different people, and in different contexts. I use hammers beat my servants. God knows what you use them for.
And yet people always talk about their 'purpose' without reference to a wider context. "The purpose of living things is to reproduce." Ok but in what context? "In the context of living things on the earth." Yeah great but that's not a wider context (and therefore is not a context at all, since all contexts must be wider contexts). And it goes on: "What's our purpose?" Well, purpose to whom? To God, our purpose is to worship Jesu, thereby obtaining a free ticket into Heaven. "Yes but what's our purpose to US?" I don't know about you, but if praising Jesu is a good enough purpose for God, then it's good enough for me. The fact that it isn't good enough for you is why I'm so ashamed of you, and why my banning you was not an act of banality, but an act of mercy.
Re: Please Stay by pletcgm |
22-Sep-05/4:37 PM |
Re: a comment on Rejuvenation by Dovina |
22-Sep-05/4:16 PM |
Evolution doesn't STATE anything. Most of the aminals you see around you have a strong urge to reproduce, because the stupid animals who didn't have that urge did not sustain themselves. For obvious reasons. The idea of PURPOSE only makes sense within some CONTEXT. For instance, in a game of cricket, the PURPOSE of a batsman's box is to PROTECT HIS BOLLOCKS. There you have a CONTEXT, namely, that cricket is played with a hard ball, and batsmen want to shield their unmentionables from violent knocks. For you to mention PURPOSE without CONTEXT is paltry in the extreme, and leaves me no choice but to ban you from further discussion on the matter.
Re: Elmer's Last Try by Dovina |
22-Sep-05/6:50 AM |
A bedwetting can test even the most devoted parent's love.
Re: a comment on "46 million babies a year" by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
22-Sep-05/4:17 AM |
Re: a comment on AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
7-Sep-05/6:25 AM |
Re: The Absense of God by Bluemonkey |
5-Sep-05/4:26 AM |
Yeah well there are hardly any Christians where I live, and we haven't been pulped by any McHurricaines. It's like all those Muslim fundamentalists who believe the Tsunami was a message from God telling the Indonesians not to adopt Western customs, but to remain fully scarfed-up. Of course the message would have been rather more potent had the Tsunami struck the shores of California, where Nudity runs wide-rife, and where a Gentleman cannot walk Five Paces without brushing up against a Gay.
Re: a comment on The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
31-Aug-05/1:43 PM |
I was once a free spirit... until the weight of the world crushed my hopes, my dreams, my micro-machines, and worst of all, my legs. I've been in a Wheeled-Chair for more than 60 years now. Life doesn't seem worth living. The only thing that gets me up in the morning is a giant pneumatic hoist.