Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
31-Aug-05/9:16 AM |
You might have a point if my arguments had been even remotely plausible. But come on. The Splendour Of Gold? Spiritual Radiation? Burrowing? Watching Dovina earnestly contest the fundamental principles of The Splendour Of Gold Argument was easily the most whimsical jape of the season. I'm sorry I bothered, now. Actually I'm not at all sorry. Indeed on discovering what a humourless prude you are, my efforts have been made all the more worthwhile. The time to save face has long gone, my lad. I fear your trousers have now fallen so far down that they've turned inside out and are dangling from your poulaines.
Yours sincerely, "He who is Exceedingly Splendid"
Re: The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
31-Aug-05/8:41 AM |
I have just been contacted by the FBI and they informed me of the changes you made to your (once lewd) poeme. You'll be pleased to know they've accepted the rewording and will not be pursuing the matter any further. Kind regards, -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
31-Aug-05/8:37 AM |
Gee you've really made me see the error of my ways.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
31-Aug-05/4:28 AM |
Yeah that's right. All this time you've just been stringing poor -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. along. That must be why you went mental and started calling him a fag when the penny dropped. Nice one! -10-
Re: a comment on The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
31-Aug-05/3:06 AM |
Last year I was shortlisted for a special Poemeranker Maturity Award. Only those rankers who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to maturity in all aspects of their conduct are allowed to to have one. I hope now you'll realise it's quite within my powers to dismiss whomever I want from this site. I have been in touch with the FBI and they're monitoring the situation. Step out of line again and they'll come down on your ISP like a ton of bricks.
Re: The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
30-Aug-05/3:44 PM |
How dare you sully us with the lurid details of your repulsive love life? You're a disgusting harlot who knows no shame. Get off this site. -0-
Re: Comment Ranker (Favorites) by MacFrantic |
30-Aug-05/3:41 PM |
For months now I've been longing for a compendium of your comments, so when this gem oozed its way onto the Most Recent list I could scarcely contain my delight. Each painstakingly selected comment had me doubled up in fits of laughter. It's as if you've trawled through every comment you've ever written, and only chosen the ones that were really, really funny! You should get this published! Have you tried
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
30-Aug-05/12:30 PM |
I've just realised there are grave errors in my exposition of The Splendour Of Gold Argument. After 12 consecutive hours of frenzied prayer to the Almighty, I have finally born witness to a Revealed Truth: it should have been The Splendour Of Mould Argument. Throughout history man has viewed mould with a sort of awestruck reverence. Arab stable boys used to rub it on their saddle sores to prevent infection. Hundreds of years later this curious habit was cemented in Science, with the discovery of penicillin. There is no way so wondrous a material could exist by chance, without the Holy Carpenter's hands to guide it along its way. As a symbol for God, Mould is a good one.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
30-Aug-05/12:21 PM |
I'm glad my points about The Splendour Of Gold, Spiritual Radiation, and Christ's burrowing exploits have led to no small amount of soul-searching on your part. I for one think they're a complete load of bollocks.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
29-Aug-05/10:35 AM |
Do you accept that Gold has a divine Splendour?
Re: a comment on Jack by Dovina |
29-Aug-05/10:25 AM |
pun n. A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
29-Aug-05/4:35 AM |
But the astronomers (many of whom were blasphemers, by the way) did not say "I'm going to look for a new thing called a star today" before looking up at the sky and finding something they called a star. They just looked up, discovered some phenomena, and gave them names AFTER their discovery. But you were giving your phenomenon a name before you even knew what it was. You called it God. Well, suppose you looked up at the sky and saw a star. Would you think you had found God? No. What if you saw a man with a giant beard and sandals? Yes. He's God. So if you're saying, as you did say, that we must find and define God, you must already have some definition of God before you begin your quest. I therefore accept your clarification that you need at least some partial definition before beginning the search for Jesus.
I'm touched that you've found some good points about The Splendour Of Gold. Throughout history, man has burrowed for Gold. This has led me to believe that Jesus also spent much of His time living in a burrow. A great number of early christian doctrines actually held that Jesus inhabited an elaborate warren complex near Nazareth, but these were later superseded by more romantic depictions of Christ's life. I think it's shameful the way man pollutes historical texts with his own views on what constitutes Glory or Holiness.
Finally, regarding your assertion that God doesn't need to transmit is communications from Heaven, via Space, then down onto planet Earth, I will refer you to the first two lines of the Lord's Prayer:
"Our Father,
Who art in Heaven,"
Now why would the prayer say our Father was in Heaven, if he was actually somewhere else, or everywhere else? He's obviously not in Hell. He isn't in unclean places, like slop buckets, or cesspits. There may be spiritual nodes situated within every living cell (excluding bacteria), or every clean spirit, but these nodes are far from autonomous, and must establish a connection to the Primary Hub in Heaven, mediated by some form of radiation owing to the physical constraints imposed by the vacuum of Space.
Re: Jack by Dovina |
28-Aug-05/11:39 AM |
As a poeme, it's cack. Like a snowflake, but warm? So not like a snowflake, then? No. Like a spring leaf. Well which is it? Both. And a repairer of breeches.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
28-Aug-05/11:27 AM |
How can you find something for which you have no definition? What test do you perform to determine whether or not you've found what you're looking for? You can't. Your 'purpose' is a gobbledegook. The Bible provides ample description of what God is, and where He lives. If I were to describe Him in a few simple words I'd say "God is He who is Exceedingly Splendid." To find Him, you have only to clasp your hands in prayer. If you don't put your hands together, it doesn't work, because they act as a spiritual beacon for God's message. The Holy Ghost must be a form of radiation, since radiation is the only means of transmitting energy (and hence information) from Heaven, through the vacuum of Space, and down onto planet Earth.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
28-Aug-05/7:36 AM |
Ask yourself, why Gold? Why not Tungsten, Cobalt, or Zinc? Are they not worthy metals, too? The fact is that Gold has a special place in the corridors of power -- is it merely coincidence that its Atomic Number is prime? In and of itself, Gold has a singular beauty that could only have come about through spiritual polishing; no amount of heat, pressure, soil erosion, or seismic activity could forge such perfection. And yet you continue to doubt its divine Splendour, in spite of the evidence I've laid before you, and in spite of the fact that the holy girdle could have been made of Rubidium. God chose Gold. I suggest you do the same.
Re: a comment on Lessons(revised) by bellafuego |
27-Aug-05/7:52 PM |
How right you are. Christopher McReeves used to be larger than life. A precocious talent with an enviable acting career, his portfolio boasted an infinitely diverse golliwog of roles, ranging from Superman I to Superman IV. He had it all in the palm of his hand. And for that he was punished by being flung head first into a fence post.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
27-Aug-05/7:49 PM |
"And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle." Revelations 1:12-13
The element Gold, Au, Atomic Number 79, is intimately linked with the Divine. Just read Revelations to get at least some idea of what The Splendour Of Gold actually means before questioning my position. I suppose you think gold became Splendid on its own? Is that what YOU believe?
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
27-Aug-05/7:19 PM |
Yeah what's that meant to prove? That you're ignorant? That you can't tolerate other faiths? That you're jealous and frustrated because you're too bland to come up with an ethos of your own, yet too proud accept someone else's? Get a life.
Re: a comment on The Servant and The Messenger by ALChemy |
27-Aug-05/7:05 PM |
I used to be a follower of the Summum 'philosophy', until I realised it was complete tripe. Then I discovered The Splendour Of Gold Argument: How can Gold be so Splendid, if there weren't an equally Splendid Being to make it so Splendid? That Being must be God. I've yet to find a flaw in it; faith has become a very important part of my everyday life.
Re: Smells by the_poetess |
21-Aug-05/1:51 PM |
A tissue of lies from start to finish, the crescendo being your staggering claim that Asian food smells nice. No Asian thing smells nice, because by definition that thing is coated in a thick layer of Brown.