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20 most recent comments by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. (81-100) and replies

Re: a comment on Here are the wipes by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 19-Feb-07/7:22 AM
Re: The Medium of Dunce by Ranger 19-Feb-07/5:31 AM
It is no Fortune that comes to settle in her hand. Does a few pence a day afford a beggar luxuries beyond his wildest dreams? Yes; yes it does. But will it buy enough wipes for him to retire unsoiled? No, it will not. The stain that comes from a life spent foraging for dung is a moral one. You can no more cleanse it with wipes than you can teach a Welshman to lay his droppings at the bottom of the garden. The only cure is far beyond the means of even the most arrogant beggar: a single moist tow'lette.
Re: a comment on AIDS Bonanza! by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 10-Feb-07/3:11 PM
A pathetic attempt to save face.
Re: a comment on AIDS Bonanza! by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 10-Feb-07/9:50 AM
You chump. poetandknowit is quoting from Poetie. He even told everyone it was bait. I'm afraid you've been so badly beaked you've retracted into your own balls.
Re: a comment on Celebrity by horus8 31-Jan-07/3:05 PM
The really annoying thing is that on closer inspection, the vest looks nothing like the one he wore in the film. If it were genuine, it would be a bullshit piece of memorabilia. Given that it's not genuine, it's so bullshit that even its bullshit is bullshit.
Re: a comment on Journey To The Centre Of The Loom by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 31-Jan-07/8:51 AM
"A dobby loom is an alternative to a treadle loom. Each of them is a floor loom in which every warp thread on the loom is attached to a single shaft using a device called a heddle. A shaft is sometimes known as a harness, but this terminology is becoming obsolete among active weavers."
Re: a comment on Alternatives by Dovina 30-Jan-07/6:29 PM
I saw it a couple of weeks back in NYC. Thought it was ace.
Re: a comment on Journey To The Centre Of The Loom by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 30-Jan-07/11:31 AM
Yes, yes you are right. But the Spinning Jenny pales in comparison to a Power Loom fitted with a Horrocks Variable Speed Batton. Checkmate, I believe.
Re: Celebrity by horus8 29-Jan-07/1:34 PM
The Aladdin Hotel. Las Vegas. My room has a glass display case mounted on the wall. Inside, a silk tunic. The caption: "The Addams Family, Paramount Pictures 1991, Jimmy Workman as Pugsley Addams, Vest he wore in the film."

Clearly I was at the bottom of the pile when they were distributing priceless memorabilia to all the rooms.
Re: a comment on Alternatives by Dovina 29-Jan-07/1:14 PM
Exactly. There is no such thing as a single, unified "other side" anyway. It's barely coherent enough to call it a volcano God. A myriad of factions, all fighting each other, united, perhaps, by a hatred of America, but divided by far too many other things to ever co-operate. People see the headlines: SCORES KILLED IN BAGHDAD. They put their thinking caps on: Gosh what an evil man Bush is for going in there and killing all those civilians. Perhaps if they'd read beyond the first paragraph, they'd know it wasn't that simple. That it was muslim vs muslim now. It's muslim vs hindu in the semis, then muslim vs Jesu in the final.

Operation Enduring Freedom wins, or everybody loses.
Re: a comment on Journey To The Centre Of The Loom by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 29-Jan-07/9:57 AM
It's interesting that Looms had a profound social impact on your country. In much of my work I try to capture the relevance of Looms to the modern world, and in a way, this poeme isn't so much about an actual Loom, as it is about the Loom that's inside all of us. It's the Loom of our hopes, our fears, our desires. At times, it is a terrible, wretched Loom. But it is not without passages of textile beauty. And ultimately, the impression is that of the dignity of the human spirit when pitted against impossible odds. I thank you for your -8-.
Re: a comment on Molecules of Paint by Dovina 28-Jan-07/4:25 PM
From being a diabetes boy.
Re: a comment on Molecules of Paint by Dovina 28-Jan-07/12:26 PM
I've got diabetes.
Re: He's... by holliebollie_19 28-Jan-07/12:20 PM
There's a mysterious quality to this poeme... something I can't quite pinpoint... I find it haunting... real... it's very powerful... do you often try to evoke such emotions in your work?
Re: a comment on Depature from Nam by AlexandraLeaving 28-Jan-07/12:01 PM
Semicolons are the hallmark of the dunce.
Re: Stained by fadedlove 28-Jan-07/10:55 AM
This so effortlessly achieves the vague air of guffing claptrap that wheezes out of all good poetry. Sublimely beautiful. A triumph. You have talent: use it.
Re: a comment on Wreck of the Poor Anchor by Dovina 21-Jan-07/3:07 PM
I was amused to learn the other day that women have better peripheral vision than men. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Women have always lacked the capacity for intense focus, yet their multi-tasking skills (ironing, hoovering, nattering, watching TV) are second to none. Peripheral vision is an important part of effective multi-tasking; the ability to spot a discarded badmington racket from a hundred yards in poor visibility is not.
Re: a comment on Wreck of the Poor Anchor by Dovina 21-Jan-07/2:46 PM
Oh, I see. NOW you weep. You fail so badly even your failure has failed.
Re: a comment on Wreck of the Poor Anchor by Dovina 21-Jan-07/9:19 AM
What? You say how outrageous it is to interpret your comment as a sign of irritation at irrelevant commentary, then you jabber on about how irritating irrelevant commentary is. "Ranger at least addressed the poem"! Do I think you're actually in a state of irritation when you see a guff comment? No! You're secretly pleased because it gives you a chance to show how mature you are. You feel you have a RIGHT to be irritated, and cannot help but exercise it. There is absolutely no thought behind any of your responses -- you may as well be on auto-pilot. Snooty, empty-headed girl auto-pilot. Yet again you fail.
Re: a comment on Wreck of the Poor Anchor by Dovina 20-Jan-07/11:01 AM
How can it possibly irritate you that people use poem comment sections as soap boxes? Watching people guff on other people's poemes is the whole point of poemeranker. Even if it wasn't, who cares about a pile of guff every now and again? You can ignore it, in which case it's as good as nothing, or you could be mildly diverted by it, in which case it's better than nothing. In conclusion: you fail.

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