Re: Tears. by edgar-allen-poe-rox |
14-Feb-06/10:20 AM |
Re: Dear flatulance (dear lord) by Bobjim |
14-Feb-06/10:29 AM |
omg. freaking hilarious. XD
Re: Down on Dogs by Bobjim |
14-Feb-06/10:34 AM |
Wow. hahaha you are a wonderful poet
Re: She Doesn't Love Me. by edgar-allen-poe-rox |
14-Feb-06/10:37 AM |
Re: Behind the storm clouds, the moon consoles the sun.(edited) by ALChemy |
1-Apr-06/1:56 PM |
I don't know why people are being so rude about this poem.
I love it, and I always have liked anything about the heavenly bodies.
Nice work ^^
Re: Today's Spam by nentwined |
1-Apr-06/2:13 PM |
Re: The Considerate Lover by Tascobar |
1-Apr-06/2:14 PM |
Re: Kristi's Quiescence by matt door |
4-Apr-06/5:28 PM |