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20 most recent comments by LintyWeenis (21-40)

Re: School 61 by unnesessary 11-Sep-04/4:25 PM
Re: Scars by Pervy Elf 11-Sep-04/4:39 PM
Well, I can't complain. 7 for me.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/4:50 PM
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/5:04 PM
Very good revision. :) -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/5:10 PM
? You can self-vote?
<is lost.
Haha, if I knew that, I would have dumped my Funny Little World one with a 5.
But honestly, I had no idea that there was self-voting. It might have been the sibs in the house since they have the password to this account. (my dad's idea, not mine). Although I don't know how they could do it and I didn't even know it existed. I'll look into it and make a small revision so that all the votes will be cleared if it turns out that they have been doing that though. I may be a mediocre writer, but I am an honest person.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/5:14 PM
Well, I looked into the voting history and found nothing. I asked my sibs. and got nothing from them, and why would they lie if they did? *shrugs* I couldn't find any proof that there was self-voting so I'm at loss on what to do here.
Re: corrupting me by skaskowski 11-Sep-04/5:20 PM
Ooh. This goes on the favorite tab. Nice.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/5:27 PM
I was never fond of haikus, but this is okay considering I've never read a haiku all the way through. (which should prove how much I dislike them)
Re: Daddy by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/5:38 PM
I decided to re-post this poem since it was being accused of self-voting. So here we go again.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Sep-04/5:50 PM
Wow, how late is this? I really liked your style from the most recent from you "Same Old Story" so I decided to look more into your stuff. Very nice. Very very nice.
Re: Ichobod Racecar by T. Jonathron Remp 11-Sep-04/5:52 PM
It's the strangest thing, I can't help but read your stuff. It's not the best thing I've ever read, far from it, but I keep reading it. So bonus points there.
Re: Daddy by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/6:12 PM
I do ask that if you vote for this poem, that you leave some commentary. Not cowardly 2's, even if the poem deserves it.
Re: happiness prescribed by erickvisions 12-Sep-04/1:10 PM
Re: a goblet of divine wine brings me dreams by Prince of Void 12-Sep-04/1:13 PM
sized or seized?
Either way. Good job.
Re: Daddy by LintyWeenis 12-Sep-04/1:18 PM
Yea, I stopped putting spaces after he walked in the room on purpose. Good eye, Garcia :) About the drive-way thing, that was me being stupid in Typoville. But! Being that I also reside in Lazeonia, it will go unchanged. But thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Re: Down Drown by LintyWeenis 12-Sep-04/1:26 PM
I wrote this about a friend of mine who we'll call "Jack". Jack and his girlfriend as so messed up and so I wrote this not exactly for him, but about him. Having screwy friends is inspiration in a hand basket.
regarding some deleted poem... 12-Sep-04/1:31 PM
If the goal was to confuse your reader, then congratulations, you've done it. This could be about Ice-Cream or a person. Either way, things that confuse me are good because that means that someone has managed to write something that I can't understand. And I like to think I understand bunches of oats, so for that. -8-
Re: Grandpa's boat by Caducus 12-Sep-04/1:33 PM
Ooh. This made me feel something. Good :)
regarding some deleted poem... 12-Sep-04/2:30 PM
This reminds me of a person I know's relationship. He should really read this.
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Sep-04/5:23 PM
Woah. Deepness. -10- If there were a higher number, you'd get it. Very very nice. :)

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