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20 most recent comments by DR Limerick
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Re: Decks of Cards (So Long to the City) by wilco 6-Jun-04/1:46 PM
yehar i like it there boy!
Re: USS Pride by DR Limerick 7-Jun-04/2:57 PM
Thank you!!!! with this sort of limerick its not to be
picked and poked at. whats wright and wrong. just use
you head to picture the seen!!!
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Jun-04/3:00 PM
good poem 7/10
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Jun-04/12:54 PM
yes likeed this one 7/10
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Jun-04/1:07 PM
very well done 8/10
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Jun-04/1:08 PM
is this kinda dirty?
regarding some deleted poem... 14-Jun-04/12:40 PM
you get lots of comments
but not many about your poem
it more like a chatroom!
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Jun-04/2:48 PM
Im getting to be a bit of a fan of your poems
i just like the strange erie feel to them!!
Re: wolves by sarah 16-Jun-04/11:37 AM
I love poems like this 10/10
look at user titan69 he has lots of this sort of poem
Re: On the Discovery of Simple Sam and A Russian Catastrophe by MacFrantic 19-Jun-04/9:52 AM
Re: blob blob by MR Blobby 19-Jun-04/9:53 AM
Re: blobby blob by MR Blobby 19-Jun-04/9:55 AM
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Jun-04/10:32 AM
Yar dis ist a goot limerick
take two a day
thats vot i say!!
Re: Fishy Blob by MR Blobby 25-Jun-04/11:35 PM
you have done big cockup mr Blobby
the real one would not say fishy he can only say blobby
you must go and read my limericks this should maken you feel mutch more Blobby.
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Jun-04/11:44 PM
Yar you are wrighting far to much you having der
verbel diara if you do not stop your head will birst
and its big enough now so sitig down and taking
tow deeo breths. There is no charge?
Re: Ayudame (Help Me) by | Broken | 26-Jun-04/11:48 PM
kum und sit on my sofer let ust talk about diz
2 limerickes a day should maken you feel mutch better!
Re: The Sea (revised) by Dovina 26-Jun-04/11:53 PM
Yar i liken diz I hope you wor a condome?
regarding some deleted poem... 6-Jul-04/11:00 AM
yar a holiday ist good for you
like zis pome9/10
Re: MR Blobby V bill and ben by MR Blobby 13-Jul-04/12:21 PM
No i tink ing diz iz z bill and z ben
from uk tv yar
regarding some deleted poem... 22-Dec-04/2:04 PM
I dont want to know you

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