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USS Pride (Limerick) by DR Limerick
A boat in distress one day. Pulled up along side. A ship called the USS Pride. As they stood up to thank her. She dropped her anchor. And sank her.!!!!

Up the ladder: Drowned in Free Verse
Down the ladder: "Joseph, Joseph"

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.0
Weighted score: 4.880797
Overall Rank: 10171
Posted: June 7, 2004 1:09 PM PDT; Last modified: June 7, 2004 1:09 PM PDT
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[7] Sasha @ | 7-Jun-04/1:49 PM | Reply
"her" has long ceased to be viable as a reflexive pronoun.
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > Sasha | 7-Jun-04/1:54 PM | Reply
Reflexive fucking what!!
Talk English carnt you
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Sasha | 7-Jun-04/1:58 PM | Reply
Remove the plum from your mouth before you start talking blabbering crap. There are two ships involved.
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 7-Jun-04/2:03 PM | Reply
no one is a little boat and one is a big ship
but what as that got to do with the limerick Hu?
[n/a] zodiac @ > DR Limerick | 7-Jun-04/5:17 PM | Reply
It's not a limerick, dimwit.
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > zodiac | 14-Jun-04/11:57 AM | Reply
It is a limerick
Iam DR.Limerick i only do limericks
[n/a] zodiac @ > DR Limerick | 14-Jun-04/12:00 PM | Reply
I don't believe you're a real doctor. You can't even abbreviate "Doctor" correctly.
[n/a] richa @ | 7-Jun-04/2:38 PM | Reply
Always use multiple exclamation marks, that way the words don't have to do the work. Ace idea
[n/a] DR Limerick @ | 7-Jun-04/2:57 PM | Reply
Thank you!!!! with this sort of limerick its not to be
picked and poked at. whats wright and wrong. just use
you head to picture the seen!!!
[9] sliver @ | 7-Jun-04/9:42 PM | Reply
I saw it. Hell of an anchor. Is that like sea rage or something?
[0] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-May-06/5:04 PM | Reply
Totally unfunny.
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