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20 most recent comments by DR Limerick (21-40)

Re: What bianca saw!!! by titan69 26-May-04/11:48 AM
this is just the sort of cheaky poem i like 10
Re: Venus Flytrap by herbgirlofbirkenau 31-May-04/12:32 AM
this made me all floaty 8/10
Re: gideon jesus by herbgirlofbirkenau 1-Jun-04/2:29 PM
Good well thought out poem
Re: Litany by zodiac 1-Jun-04/2:39 PM
yep I like this 2 lots of feeling? 9
Re: pie man by DR Limerick 4-Jun-04/12:43 PM
yes this is good limerick
if any one else would like to post me a limerick
feel free ok!
Re: love by francis nor capule 4-Jun-04/12:48 PM
good love poem like it!
Re: waiting for you by New Life Drug 4-Jun-04/12:49 PM
very good well writern
Re: Black Rose by arduinn 4-Jun-04/12:52 PM
very good have you looked at titan69s wolf rose?
Re: Silly Get by DR Limerick 5-Jun-04/11:30 PM
were ar my votes!!!

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