Suggestions: (227 open)
Post a suggestionPlease be sure you're not duplicating someone else's suggestion or it will be deleted and ignored If you're going to post a BUG, I'd rather you just emailed me (kaolin.fire@poemranker.com) -- it's easier. :)
Displaying suggestions 81 - 90 of 227
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[mojo] |
Last Post: 27-May-05/12:37 AM |
Ah, that's interesting. I just wrote to Rockmage to give him a chance to explain himself. He's giving other people the benefit of his voting wisdom too? Even reading a dozen poems in a minute is clever, to decide they all deserve a zero as well is really q[...]
ingwa |
Last Post: 24-May-05/4:22 PM |
How does one go about formally submitting a letter of complaint, which is open to petition?
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
Last Post: 20-May-05/1:32 AM |
Does "It ought to be the case that X" imply "It ought to be the case that it ought to be the case that X?
For example: Fraser Allonby ought to put a sock in it. But ought it to be the case that Fraser Allonby ought to put a sock in it? He certainly ough[...]
Shuushin |
Last Post: 18-May-05/12:13 PM |
Poemranker hooded sweatshirt.
And the site needs a tagline - like
poemranker.com "insert something clever here" (for the back)
Dovina |
Last Post: 18-Apr-05/9:43 PM |
A sever dearth of comments has plagued Poemranker of late. I count only 16 in the last 48 hours, after eliminating mine and zodiacâs, (which everyone knows are crap). We have already seen the fall of votes as any measure of a poemâs worth, for reason[...]
Goad |
Last Post: 18-Apr-05/11:03 AM |
A way to make a rankings more reliable: meta ranking. Ranking of poets; and/or meta moderation of comments; and/or meta ranking of votes. IE, something akin to slashdot meta moderation. It has it's own set of problem, but it undeniably improves the signal-[...]
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
Last Post: 17-Apr-05/6:11 PM |
OK, mofo. Here's a "mature" suggestion: The propensity for your comment indentation system to go tits up is now beyond Thunderdome. I would have thought you'd have written the code for it ages ago (because it has definitely worked in the past), and would b[...]