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-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 7-Feb-05/7:35 AM
OK, mofo. Here's a "mature" suggestion: The propensity for your comment indentation system to go tits up is now beyond Thunderdome. I would have thought you'd have written the code for it ages ago (because it has definitely worked in the past), and would be reusing that code each time you had to make changes. But every time you make a change it parps. Take the latest addition of comment sheathes as an example. Of course adding sheathes requires some modification to existing code, but nothing that changes the fact that a comment hierarchy is a TREE, with each node consisting of a COMMENT, together with a (possibly empty) list (in chronological order) of nodes for each reply to that comment. You must be capable of storing trees, and re-constructing trees from a stored representation. And you must have written code to take a comment tree and draw it on the screen. I don't see how adding comment sheathes should parp things up! And unless you've made some very recent adjustments I'm unaware of, the system is still happily malfunctioning like a massive nappy ( ). Thanks.

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