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anonymous @ | 10-Jul-05/6:29 AM | Reply
ive recently joined this site and im just stunned at how many nasty ,horrible ,too much to say ,must be bored shitless people there is on this site.what the hell is wrong with you ,have you nothing better to do than think up bitchy nasty totally uncalled for remarks to people about thier writing???

zodiac @ | 10-Jul-05/9:51 PM | Reply
Have you nothing better to do than to post your poems on a site intended for rating and criticising poetry and then getting all pissy when someone actually bothers to criticise you? Shame on you.
Bluemonkey @ | 11-Jul-05/6:41 AM | Reply
Hello there, Rbooey,

First off, I would like to point out that I've read both of the poems that you've posted and they were both complete and utter wastes of my time. Also, I couldn't find any comments that fit the decription, "bitchy nasty totally uncalled for remarks".

Let's face facts here: You really want to just post your ramblings and have people tell you how great they are, don't you. Dig deep...c'mon, you can do it. Writing out a diary entry in all caps and posting it on a poetry web site does not make it poetry.

Also, I noticed that you are one of the many who likes to post poems and then not vote or comment on anyone else's work..this adds further proof to the statement above. If you want to be jerked off, I suggest you try If you join, I guarantee you'll win an award and probably get invited to the National Poetry Expo in sunny Orlando!

In other words: Shut up, quit bitching and if you don't like Poemranker, don't post here.

By the way, welcome to Poemranker.

anonymous @ > Bluemonkey | 11-Jul-05/12:39 PM | Reply
FIRST OFF BITCHFACE,i never askwed you to point out anything to me so why don't you and your fuckhead mate go in a corner and cut each others must have the most boring sad life .i couldn't imagine going through my life being a total fuckin twat like you .why don't you spend some time getting rid of that chip on your shoulder and invest in a new personality while your at it.i dont comment on other peoples stuff cos everyone writes in their own way about stuff that they are feeling at that time,what i think doesn't matter and shouldn't matter ,just as long as they get things out of their system and they are happy with it.the likes of you ,(another bigmouthed nasty bastard with too much to say and too much time on their hands)should just shut your horrible,fucked up ,sad bastard mouths and go and bury yourselves.who the fuck are you to judge other peoples stuff,does it make you feel better than them when your writing down your shitty opinions to other people,or do you just enjoy upsetting them you horrible twat.people like you make me sick.ive met too many fucked up, bitter ,evil lttle fuckers like you and think you should of been shot at birth.i mean what kind of mark are you going to leave when you go ,what will you be remembered for ,i really don't think it will be for your poems dou you.IN OTER WORDS FUCKOFF AND DROP DEAD YOU BITCH....
wilco @ > anonymous | 11-Jul-05/2:26 PM | Reply
Are you Axl Rose?
Bluemonkey @ > anonymous | 12-Jul-05/6:46 AM | Reply
First off, you did ask me to point things out to you by posting your writing on a site called PoemRANKER. Perhaps you are confusing it with PoemWANKER? I don't know. Either way, you should stop being such a baby. You're going to have a hard time in life if you meet criticism in this way.
Now, re: i dont comment on other peoples stuff cos everyone writes in their own way about stuff that they are feeling at that time,what i think doesn't matter and shouldn't matter ,just as long as they get things out of their system and they are happy with it want, when you want, about whatever you want, as badly as you want...but don't post it if you don't want people to critique it.

Now, If you wish to discuss this in a gentalmanly manner, without all the name calling and cursing, I would be happy to do so. If not, I suggest you run along and play and continue living in your existence where everything you do is gravy.
Bluemonkey @ > anonymous | 12-Jul-05/6:46 AM | Reply
Also, Bitchface is great. May I use that?
anonymous @ > Bluemonkey | 12-Jul-05/4:20 PM | Reply
You are boring me now.And just what the fuck planet are you from you spaceman.for some fucked up reason you seem to think im pissed about people critisizing my writing ,completly wrong thicktwat.i was reading the comments in general and couldnt believe how some people could be so bitchy and outright nasty to people they dont even know anything about.what do they get out of it??these twisted ,skitzo shitheads just cant seem to help themselves, its like a fucking compulsion,do they ever stop to think that everyone might be properly sick to death of listening to what they have to say,i only got down the first page of comments and i was praying for something really nasty to happen to dovina,why dont you give your gob a rest girl and shut the fuck the way you total spaz where did you get gravy from ,what the fuck is all that about you tit.
Bluemonkey @ > anonymous | 13-Jul-05/6:45 AM | Reply
At this point, you're not making a case for anything. You're just making yourself look more like a crybaby and a tool and an illiterate.

Also, I suppose I got gravy from the same place you got "thicktwat".

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you here. I was just letting you know how the Poemranker works and you bombarded me with insults. Seems to me that you are the one that has the problem. Calm down, people are going to be mean. It's a fact of life. i don't know how old you are but sooner or later you'll figure that out. If you're going to freak out every time someone says something mean, you're going to end up in the Asylum very quickly.

You know, it's no wonder that Tony Blair looks like he's about to have a coronary every time I see him. If I was surrounded by people like you, I'd look like that too. I'm going to give the British people the benefit of the doubt, though, that they are not all thick crybabies that rant and rave and carry on because someone said something mean to them.

Ok, maybe I am trying to pick a fight a little. I'll stop.
anonymous @ > Bluemonkey | 14-Jul-05/4:26 AM | Reply

You fucking Gay-ass crippled badger.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-05/4:26 AM | Reply
Crap. That's meant for rbooey. Crap.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-05/7:48 PM | Reply
zodiac @ > anonymous | 20-Jul-05/11:29 PM | Reply
Christ, are you still here? Why? You're clearly running out of new things to shout at people.
zodiac @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-05/4:18 AM | Reply
You fucking pissy-ass whiny crybaby fuck. Why don't you do the world a favor and take a long leap into a nearby wall? What the fuck did you expect posting your poetry on a site called fucking POEMRANKER DOT FUCKING COM, you goddamn illiterate weeping fuckrag? And now bitching on about how you don't think you're entitled to criticise other people's poetry because it's the true deep expression of their true deep feelings? Get a fucking life, you fucking preteen prat. What makes you think then that people are going to feel entitled to RANK YOUR FUCKING ALL-CAPS BULLSHIT WHINY-ASS SO-CALLED POEMS? Oh, yeah, because the site's called POEMRANKER DOT COM, and the people who came here would kinda naturally be people who liked criticising other people's poetry. And because you're such a fucking genius we cum just thinking about you. Get a clue. This is a site made for RANKING and CRITICISING poems. What did you think we'd be doing? It's kind of like if you went to a FUCKING RESTAURANT everybody would be EATING, dontcha think, you gummy cumrag?

And isn't it much more likely that you're just too fucking lazy and stuck up your own distended ass to bother reading other people's poems? Yeah, um, that would make you pretty much like the million other self-obsessed preteens who've been here before you. You certainly don't have a problem criticising other people's criticisms of you.

And get a fucking clue. Nobody here is as nasty as you. Nobody here has called anybody a thicktwat except you. And now me. You're a fucking labia-deficient thicktwat. Dovina, wilco, and the rest tried to tell you nicely, now I'll tell you in your own fucking deficient language:






PS-Saying "you are boring me" is the same thing as saying "I can't read more than a sentence without hurting my poor juvenile pea-brain."

PPS-You can't write, you fucking illiterate. You make American education look good.
anonymous @ > zodiac | 14-Jul-05/7:43 PM | Reply
hey shithead who the fuck was talking to you ,you stuid listening to yourself dont you,well you and your sad bastard gang of fuckups can go and fuck yourselves.d,ya know you lot are the most spazy fuckin gang of knobheads ive ever come properly live for all this shit you retarded dickhead.what fuckin planet are you from wouln't last five minutes where i live.And you "ZODIAC"you fuckin knobhead who the fuck do you think you are .are you all nuts n'shit ,do you think your dead mad and hard cos your on the web and no one can just stroll on up to you and kick your fuckin head in.which by the way i wouldnt mind doin.I cant' believe ireally getting abuse off you sad bastards.I wonder if you'd be so quick to open your fuckin mouth in person ,shitbag.I bet you think your dead funny and everyone loves cos "your" dead mad"but honestly ,you fuckin stupid twat, your seriosly not.I dont know if your a man or woman but who gives a fuck,your a tithead. BY THE WAY FUCKHEAD,when i say your boring me i mean you are boring me you dozey fuckin cunt.SO why dont you shut the fuck up and stop making a cunt out of yourself, you annoying,bigbouthed,fucked up piece of and all your poemwanker mates really need to get onto just how much and how fuckin sad you really are and do yourself a favour,,do something about it,you fuckin BLERT!!!by the way you can fuckoff as well.
Blindpoetry @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-05/7:48 PM | Reply
that last 'btw' statement wasn't necissary.

So, unrelated to the argueing, where DO you live?
zodiac @ > anonymous | 17-Jul-05/6:23 AM | Reply
1) You don't even know me. So fuck yourself.
2) You like listening to yourself talk. At least I can take criticism. So fuck yourself.
3) You wouldn't last five minutes where I live. I live in the Middle East. You just live in England. So did I, for years. So fuck yourself.
4) Actually, maybe you do know me. Did I kick your ass at a Stereophonics concert last year? And fuck yourself.
5) Obviously blabbing on about how big I talk because I'm anonymous is rot. What if I told you my name is John Updike? Now can I tell you to fuck yourself?
6) Why don't you fuck off? I was here first. And I don't think this place agrees with you. Fuck yourself.
7) You are piss in a pair of hoboes' pants. You've never been laid. I could kick your ass, motherfucker.
8) I don't think you're getting the point. The point is, no one cussed at you or insulted you before you insulted them. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS. YOU ARE THE FUCKING MATURE ONE. You're probably like 13, too. So here's a life lesson: Go fuck yourself.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 23-Aug-05/9:04 PM | Reply
MacFrantic, being too lazy to log in and seeing a suggestion posted that is entirely devoid of a relevant suggestion (As well as being over a month old) would like to offer a response to *Rbooey's* asinine opinion on participants.

So, here it is:

There are few things- according to logic and various scientific studies- that can thrive in a vacuum. So, in an effort to alleviate some of the confusion about how *Rbooey* can sustain his thought processes within such a vacuum, I have conducted an experiment tentatively labeled Project Goober. In this experiment it was found that, in a rare number of test subjects, certain particles of brain matter are frequently torn from their origin, sucked out of the bi-causal vacuum apparent in all of those tested and deposited near the base of the throat- where they become lodged, often to the discomfort of the afflicted. Utterance of *key* words such as FAG, SHITHEAD, TWAT, and various U2 lyrics results in a sudden, unexplained cardiovascular expulsion wherein trace amounts of blood, brain matter, and in most subjects human semen, for whatever reason, are expelled. A product of this expulsion is a mysterious cloud of highly pressurized hot air which then rises to the brain, and as some believe, starts the process over again.

It seems that *Rbooey* is the subject that we have been looking for. He is not only unable to retain the hot air that is accumulated, but his *key* words flow at such a constant and high rate, that his being alive is a medical phenomenon. If he would, I invite *Rbooey* to come down to the nearest scientific research center and get an immediate living autopsy. Supposing his brain is still operating at its usual low capacity, I would suggest-and further EXPECT a visit in the near future.

But that is just what I think... *MacFrantic*
deleted user @ > anonymous | 23-Sep-05/3:40 PM | Reply
First of all, I love to cuss and live to cuss. Therefore, I have a healthy respect for the "expletive deleted" and rarely panic when smut is lobbed in my direction. However, when "potty mouth" is used as a weapon of intimidation and/or cruelty, it begins to lose a great deal of its validity. In short, you're overdoing it big time.

While I do agree that some of the "critiques" here can be mean-spirited, I doubt that these commentaries are at the heart of your frustration. You seem very, very angry, and it would appear that you were pissed off long before you visited this site.

I'm not going to make any recommendations because you didn't ask for any. You seem like an intelligent enough person, but the level of animosity in your exchanges is disturbing. Most sites would have deleted your responses for flaming by now; you are fortunate that this site seems to take a more foregiving point of view.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 21-Jan-07/4:10 AM | Reply
oh what a rant
nentwined @ > zodiac | 15-Feb-07/7:03 PM | Reply
"PS-Saying "you are boring me" is the same thing as saying "I can't read more than a sentence without hurting my poor juvenile pea-brain."" -- I like this. :)
zodiac @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-05/4:22 AM | Reply

If you weren't so fucking lazy, you'd go zero all my poems now.

I dare you to try it.
Sasha @ > anonymous | 15-Aug-05/1:22 PM | Reply
You're really funny. Can you do that again?

On the offchance you're being serious:

You're posting your poems on a site intended for commenting and then get pissed off at other people's honesty.

You are misguided if you think that just because it's your "feelings" it's a poem.

You may need prozac.

If you can, go get laid. It relieves stress.
Sasha @ | 15-Aug-05/1:23 PM | Reply
This has to be a joke...
i_am_the_popsicle @ | 24-Aug-05/9:31 PM | Reply
are you 13?

no really?
Joi @ | 29-Aug-07/3:59 PM | Reply
I was stunned also. Rude remarks are uncalled for and not very professional. It would be nice if those people would check themselves and correct their wrongs. But I guess its call freedom of speach.
richa @ > Joi | 30-Aug-07/12:08 PM | Reply
If you mean rockmage then you like all of us will have to be more tolerant. He suffers from sickle cell you know.
SupremeDreamer @ > Joi | 10-Sep-07/2:33 PM | Reply
Damn right it's called freedom of SPEECH. Better fucking believe it.

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