Replying to:
anonymous 23-Aug-05/9:04 PM
MacFrantic, being too lazy to log in and seeing a suggestion posted that is entirely devoid of a relevant suggestion (As well as being over a month old) would like to offer a response to *Rbooey's* asinine opinion on participants.

So, here it is:

There are few things- according to logic and various scientific studies- that can thrive in a vacuum. So, in an effort to alleviate some of the confusion about how *Rbooey* can sustain his thought processes within such a vacuum, I have conducted an experiment tentatively labeled Project Goober. In this experiment it was found that, in a rare number of test subjects, certain particles of brain matter are frequently torn from their origin, sucked out of the bi-causal vacuum apparent in all of those tested and deposited near the base of the throat- where they become lodged, often to the discomfort of the afflicted. Utterance of *key* words such as FAG, SHITHEAD, TWAT, and various U2 lyrics results in a sudden, unexplained cardiovascular expulsion wherein trace amounts of blood, brain matter, and in most subjects human semen, for whatever reason, are expelled. A product of this expulsion is a mysterious cloud of highly pressurized hot air which then rises to the brain, and as some believe, starts the process over again.

It seems that *Rbooey* is the subject that we have been looking for. He is not only unable to retain the hot air that is accumulated, but his *key* words flow at such a constant and high rate, that his being alive is a medical phenomenon. If he would, I invite *Rbooey* to come down to the nearest scientific research center and get an immediate living autopsy. Supposing his brain is still operating at its usual low capacity, I would suggest-and further EXPECT a visit in the near future.

But that is just what I think... *MacFrantic*

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