At this point, you're not making a case for anything. You're just making yourself look more like a crybaby and a tool and an illiterate.
Also, I suppose I got gravy from the same place you got "thicktwat".
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you here. I was just letting you know how the Poemranker works and you bombarded me with insults. Seems to me that you are the one that has the problem. Calm down, people are going to be mean. It's a fact of life. i don't know how old you are but sooner or later you'll figure that out. If you're going to freak out every time someone says something mean, you're going to end up in the Asylum very quickly.
You know, it's no wonder that Tony Blair looks like he's about to have a coronary every time I see him. If I was surrounded by people like you, I'd look like that too. I'm going to give the British people the benefit of the doubt, though, that they are not all thick crybabies that rant and rave and carry on because someone said something mean to them.
Ok, maybe I am trying to pick a fight a little. I'll stop.