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The Nicotine Addicts Jangling Tobbaconists Conversation (Other) by Jigg
I need a certain lighter I require one that's brighter One that sparks at dash And I need it in a flash Not this one or that No not one with a cat Nor the one with the bat I wont do with any old tat I need a certain lighter one that is somewhat mightier No, not one covered in scratches Oh fuck it, just gimme matches

Up the ladder: Bloody Lawyers
Down the ladder: Stop Staring

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.6
Weighted score: 4.9523187
Overall Rank: 8915
Posted: August 11, 2002 5:42 PM PDT; Last modified: August 11, 2002 9:08 PM PDT
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[5] horus8 @ | 12-Aug-02/10:51 AM | Reply
how about some gasoline, and i guide book to" fraud, the easy way to make money". Dr. Suess was a bum bugger, but he had talent. maybe you just bugger..g
[n/a] Jigg @ | 12-Aug-02/11:35 AM | Reply
I am really sorry, I didn't know this was Poetry for Profit, if I had known I would have been less blatant with my clear plagurisim, as you would like to believe. However I would draw the line at daylight slurs on my person and would ask you, in the most aggresive terms, to keep all comments on the poem and not my sexual orientation, you dumb fuckwad.
[5] horus8 @ | 12-Aug-02/11:58 AM | Reply
ok. your right...your title is a better poem then your for personal slurs..i'm typing left handed today and i'm on lithium...i have a dislocated thumb, and a rash on my pecker(from wetsuit) i smoke marlboros cuz it helps me hide my evil pock marked it helps me get laid and feel better about my tiny pud..i'm sorry about the allow me to correct myself..i meant to say wow..what an impressive work of staggering genius..yes! this is exactly how i feel, and what i believe all smokers must feel and are a prophet and a righteous writer.insightful. you have distinction and you jigg better then god..what were we talking about oh yeah..commenting specifically on the poem, not the creator of the poem, because of course they have nothing in common according to some undeserving wretches, your rhyming is mediocre if even that..the setup is non existent and your descriptive senses border on the feeling i get when i step in urine first thing in the morning with a brand new pair of socks on..i love it..lets smoke ourselves towards more pee to step in.yes lets..o
[n/a] Jigg @ > horus8 | 22-Nov-02/8:12 PM | Reply
And yet, you seem to have missed the vital point the whole poem makes, it is in fact an allegorical piece on the Franco-Prussian war. So sad to see that a poet of your vast...intellect, has missed these subtle undertones. For was it not the great bard himself who wrote "I would not eat green eggs and ham, not on a train , not in a plane..." so on and so forth.
[n/a] Jigg @ > Jigg | 22-Nov-02/8:13 PM | Reply
bad luck with the piss soaked socks and the pock marked face. I am sure you were warned not to pick at them.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Jigg | 22-Nov-02/8:57 PM | Reply
Most delayed rejoinder ever.
[n/a] Jigg @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 30-Jan-03/10:36 PM | Reply
this ones pretty late too
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