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marlon (Free verse) by bearhead
We are like gorillas Never looking right at each other ~it might be a threat; Trained circus apes are less obvious than we~ This crazy dance holds all The flavor of bananas. And like a neanderthal I just discovered fire But don't yet have a salve For the burns.

Up the ladder: Prop a Panda

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.857143
Weighted score: 5.230521
Overall Rank: 4228
Posted: August 2, 2003 10:45 AM PDT; Last modified: August 2, 2003 10:45 AM PDT
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[8] http://mulberryfairy @ | 2-Aug-03/11:49 AM | Reply
"This crazy dance holds all
The flavor of bananas."
I like this line, but think you should come up with a more specific adjective than "crazy" before dance.
[n/a] bearhead @ > http://mulberryfairy | 2-Aug-03/11:54 AM | Reply
Yeah, drew a blank on that line - how's "swinging"?
[8] http://mulberryfairy @ > bearhead | 2-Aug-03/7:09 PM | Reply
I was thinking "rabid", but I don't have your vision of what it looks like.
[6] horus8 @ | 2-Aug-03/11:56 AM | Reply
Wow, what metaphors.
[8] EAger to Offend @ | 2-Aug-03/12:33 PM | Reply
What similes, as well. this is fun. I wouln't hold "crazy" against you for this, as it sounds appropriately neanderthal.
[9] tadpole @ | 21-Apr-04/6:00 PM | Reply
nice symbolism
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