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The shirt I wore to dinner. (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
I made my shirt For dinner tonight Well, not made, But it is white Plain, and v necked. Pure and cheap I am going to wear It to a meeting at This restaurant. Another stupid raw Fish joint. I'm going to wear It over a stinky Thermal long sleeved Top that I have had on For days now. With a pair of 501 blues and vans. On the front of the Shirt I wrote "What are you looking at motherfucker?" On the back reads "If you are reading this. You are a sorry Fucking idiot" On the right sleeve. "Space for rent" on the left sleeve, "Fuck Ozzy’s stupid Fat retarded pompous ugly Boring fucking daughter, And show, but I love Black Sabbath". Twenty bucks says No one will forget Dinner tonight, or Be able to swallow Their chewing’s, And I believe that It is about fucking time. And free food More flowers for Algeron.

Up the ladder: A love of the midlands
Down the ladder: beauty

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.6153846
Weighted score: 5.449882
Overall Rank: 2923
Posted: January 13, 2003 6:07 PM PST; Last modified: January 13, 2003 6:07 PM PST
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[10] <~> @ | 13-Jan-03/7:05 PM | Reply
beautiful! wasabi for everyone! on me, motherfuckah!!!!
[0] smlink84 @ | 13-Jan-03/8:28 PM | Reply
WOW. Have a nice day. 0
[5] poemwanker @ | 14-Jan-03/6:59 AM | Reply
I love black sabbath too.
But this still doesn't get a vote above 5.
[5] poemwanker @ | 14-Jan-03/6:59 AM | Reply
Also it should say Ozzy's.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > poemwanker | 14-Jan-03/10:15 AM | Reply
Also, go fuck yourself. it should say poemwankeries fucking face.
stupid cunt, Do you actually think I do not know how to show posession when it comes to nouns? Here, go suck Jimmy Hoffa's cock Poemwanker (notice how i properly capitalized your user name idiot))
[8] razorgrin @ | 15-Jan-03/1:26 PM | Reply
I want that shirt. I have little hairclips that say "stop reading me" that confuse people. I want some raw fish with wasabi. There are no decent sushi places within less than at least a 4 hour drive of here.
[n/a] Bachus @ > razorgrin | 15-Jan-03/1:40 PM | Reply
guess who kept turning around at another table and reading it and laughing? that actor from the movie dr. giggles and la law.ha ha ha! my brain was screaming...he was looking at me and laughing...i was looking at him laughing with tears coming down my was truly surreal. i felt like the quiet american.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > razorgrin | 15-Jan-03/3:31 PM | Reply
That blows! my favorite is fresh water eel. spinach with peanuts, and torro from yellowfin. All of course with hot saki, wasibi, and plenty of ginger with clam miso soup, white or red. Plus a tall beer to wash it all down snapper and spanish mackeral worksd too, fuckit the halibut was no slouch either...ah hell. It's all good. MIFUNE RULES!
[8] razorgrin @ > Jeremi B. Handrinos | 16-Jan-03/11:10 AM | Reply
Salmon and tuna are my favourites. Tons of wasabi and ginger. I like it with perrier. Dee-lightful.

The dr.giggles guy? that's pretty fucked up. Somehow, you don't seem like you'd be the quiet one in any situation.
[1] Tarquin De La Bog @ | 4-Feb-03/6:50 AM | Reply
Utter shite. 1. You attempt to shock, but just leave me cold, safe in the knowledge I have discovered yet another dumb Yank.
[n/a] ==Doylum @ > Tarquin De La Bog | 4-Feb-03/7:45 AM | Reply
stop it with the racyism, and the ruderies. No neeed. Perhaps you could have said

Utter suger. 1. You attempt to shock, but just leave me cold, safe in the knowledge I have discovered yet another dumb flunk.


Utter slop. 1. You attempt to shock, but just leave me cold, safe in the knowledge I have discovered yet another dumb twot.


Utter tripe. 1. You attempt to shock, but just leave me cold, safe in the knowledge I have discovered yet another dumb waiter.
[1] Tarquin De La Bog @ > ==Doylum | 5-Feb-03/6:31 AM | Reply
Why is the comment racist? The author of the poem is American, and by my judgement, is dumb. Sorry for any offence taken, but I am merely stating what in my opinion is fact.
[n/a] ==Doylum @ > Tarquin De La Bog | 13-Feb-03/4:20 PM | Reply
It is the nature of a slight that the slighte be the object of the slighters scorn and as such it is hard to reconcile your claim that you are merely telling us of the slightes geographical location. The author may indeed be an yank (which, for the purpose of this comment, i will use in the manner defined by you), but i fail to see what your discription (of him) gains from the addition of this information since it is directed at the author who, one would presume, already knows his nationality. I cannot therefore but presume that you add it insidiously.
Let us say that you are a dutchman. If you were to come across a fellow dutchman who, in your opinion, was dumb, would you call him a speechless Hollander? No you would not! To do so would sound ridiculous. I suggest that you would pick another noun, one which you felt best described this mute dutchman, maybe blighter, or perhaps that other b word that denotes "one who is addicted to the unnatural vice". In your comment, Tarquin, you replaced such a noun with "Yank"
Let us say your dutch friend (whats his name by the way?) is of indonesian extraction, you may want to call him a "dumb blackamoor", would this be less or more racist than your description of Jerimi. Is it simply discriptive? or is the discriptor infact a device to insinuate a more sinister meaning?
I would suggest that, by drawing attention to it, you are showing distain for your dutchmans moorishness (if i had suspected that you kept going back for more, that you were "one that is addicted to the unnatural vice" I would have left well alone) otherwise you would not have commented upon it. Your disdain of yankyness and moorishness is insidious and rassssssist
Either that or your just don't grasp the purpose of an insult
You six foot tall, 11 stone, blond haired, blue eyed, sock wearing, perfectly normal looking poemranker.

First you're rasssist to Jerimi and his smooth buttocks and now your having a go at Andries.
Don't hate Andries cause he's black

......opinion is fact? Oh by my sacred gonads
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > ==Doylum | 13-Feb-03/6:06 PM | Reply
The only thing significant or enlightening about this comment is the time at which it was left.
[n/a] ==Doylum @ > Jeremi B. Handrinos | 27-Feb-03/3:41 PM | Reply
yes sir (tug of forelock) sorry sir (tug of forelock) thank you sir (tug of forelock) Tug of forlock tug on forelock tung on forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on
forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on
forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on forelock tug on
forelock HARDER YOU FUCKING BITCH tug on forelock tug on
forelocktug on forelock tug on forelocktug on forelock tug on
forelocktug on forelock tug on forelocktug on forelock tug on
forelocktug on forelock tug on forelocktug on forelock tug on
forelocktug on forelock tug on forelock.
Yank? You couldn't sound more like an idiot, or be any further from the truth. Utter shite? shock? If i want to shock someone, i shock... it's that simple really, Algeron, you dissapoint in every way imaginable.
You shock me with your spelling (dissapoint?!), but I guess that's not what you intend to do. So shock me then, bitch.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > Tarquin De La Bog | 5-Feb-03/11:35 AM | Reply
The sad thing Mr. La Bog, is that i can always spellcheck and solve my problems in spelling. If i so choose. But there is no 'imagination check' which means you're fucked. Therefore, you are still a d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-m-e-n-t. Even with a gallon of electric eels pourne into an enima i fear could not shock life back into that maggot riddled heap of road kill somewhere in nebraska that you label your imagination. I fear years at the chalkboard have taken their toll. Must i take a poll
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