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Re-drafting (Free verse) by Nicholas Jones
I was alerted that my thesis Made excessive use of the word 'something'. I searched through and counted Something like thirty one instances in the same chapter. So I decided to do something about it And replace them all with something else.

Down the ladder: Students

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.8333335
Weighted score: 5.493059
Overall Rank: 2771
Posted: May 19, 2004 7:23 AM PDT; Last modified: May 19, 2004 7:23 AM PDT
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[8] zodiac @ | 19-May-04/1:15 PM | Reply
My thesis made excessive use of spelling sinister (and yes, slightly gay) messages with the first letters of each line. I win.
[6] Shardik @ | 19-May-04/11:40 PM | Reply
[10] wFraser Allonby Q.C.w @ | 20-May-04/9:59 AM | Reply
How did it feel to win the Melben G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research Prize in Historical Literary Studies?
[n/a] Nicholas Jones @ > wFraser Allonby Q.C.w | 21-May-04/4:24 AM | Reply
It felt amazing, actually. I got presented with cheque for 250 dollars at a fancy luncheon at the SCMLA convention, where I got a huge slab of beef with two pieces of potato. I travelled to Arkansas (which is a long way from Swansea) to talk about an obscure Welsh poet. Plus it looks very good on my CV and allows me to impress people at parties.

I am slightly perturbed as to how you found this out and whether you are somehow electronically stalking me.
BOY: "Hello, my dear. You look radiant this evening. Can I get you a drink? My name's Nicholas Jones. I won the Melben G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research Prize in Historical Literary Studies."

GIRL: [Speechless]
[n/a] Stephen Robins @ > wFraser Allonby Q.C.w | 21-May-04/3:21 PM | Reply
[8] Signature @ | 21-May-04/2:54 AM | Reply
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