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FINGER PIE (Free verse) by titan69
When we are in bed at night. And I put my arm around you. When my finger tips touch your soft skin. When I get up close and slowly move in. To me it always seems like the first time, that first kiss. =========================================== As you will see. A women under the covers in the dark. never ages.??

Up the ladder: Feathers From an Actress

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.0
Weighted score: 5.0
Overall Rank: 8137
Posted: May 12, 2004 2:50 PM PDT; Last modified: November 22, 2007 12:16 PM PST
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[10] edpeterson @ | 12-May-04/3:04 PM | Reply
that is the smelliest poem ever written. 10
[n/a] titan69 @ > edpeterson | 12-May-04/3:13 PM | Reply
Tell me about it!!
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 12-May-04/4:31 PM | Reply
I'm sorry but I don't vote on lewds -no vote-
[n/a] titan69 @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 13-May-04/1:25 PM | Reply
I thought you of all people would have enjoyed
some finger pie.
what is lewd anyway?
[9] zodiac @ | 13-May-04/5:32 AM | Reply
Why does the poem have a line through it?
[n/a] titan69 @ > zodiac | 13-May-04/1:27 PM | Reply
The bottom bit is a moral sort of thing
[9] zodiac @ | 13-May-04/5:33 AM | Reply

Congratulations on posting the worst title on this site since SupremeDreamer's "Ravings of a Dreamer"!
[n/a] titan69 @ > zodiac | 13-May-04/1:40 PM | Reply
thank you
[10] Stephen Robins @ | 13-May-04/5:42 AM | Reply
The title of this poem implies one of two things - firstly a pie full of fingers - that would be grotesque, or secondly some form of instruction where you would have to literally finger a pie.

The poem however appears to be about putting a child to bed. This poem is confused and poorly written and you may not have noticed but their is a large irrelevant line in the middle.

This all leads me to believe that you are a stultified quim.
[n/a] titan69 @ > Stephen Robins | 13-May-04/1:38 PM | Reply
This pome has nothing to do with putting a child to bed
you daft cunt.
finger a pie, pie full of fingers you have to gess what the pie is, get it!
[1] INTRANSIT @ | 13-May-04/6:42 AM | Reply
(A women)?
[n/a] titan69 @ > INTRANSIT | 13-May-04/2:33 PM | Reply
No next gess
[7] wilco @ | 13-May-04/2:13 PM | Reply
Jason Biggs?
[n/a] titan69 @ > wilco | 13-May-04/2:25 PM | Reply
who the fuck is jason biggs?
[7] wilco @ > titan69 | 13-May-04/2:35 PM | Reply
the fucking "American Pie" guy.
[n/a] titan69 @ > wilco | 13-May-04/2:59 PM | Reply
sorry never heard of him over hear!
we do have a pie tom though?
[7] wilco @ > titan69 | 13-May-04/3:00 PM | Reply
Don't know pie tom....
[n/a] titan69 @ > wilco | 13-May-04/3:11 PM | Reply
Go to click on Trivia look down the list for pie tom. that goes for anyone else to who my be reading this?
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > titan69 | 19-May-04/12:45 AM | Reply
American Pie was on general release in the UK you dunce.
[n/a] titan69 @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 22-May-04/12:42 AM | Reply
yes I know but i never went to see it.

[n/a] the codeine kid @ > titan69 | 2-Jun-04/1:55 PM | Reply
Hairy pie. this is fantastic. a woman under the covers never ages. i bet there's loads of "poets" on this site wish they'd wrote that line. Stunning.
[n/a] titan69 @ > the codeine kid | 2-Jun-04/2:48 PM | Reply
yes it is a great line iznt it!!!
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