regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/3:32 AM |
hey, do one with citizen cane fuck that let me..i'll
do it just like this, but with
more kale and hoof sound effects, and i'll have bums that can can. sweet the "guess that movie poem" funny bundy in china town..goodone.c
Re: Caged by TxMstng02 |
3-Jan-03/3:43 AM |
once at the zoo last year the orangutan covered himself with a blanket, and wouldn't let no one see him, all day every day for like a was funny stuff i tell you..quiet and eerie, than they brought in a specialist who said he needed a mate, now they are both under the blanket. wating for everyone to go home...true, but back to poetry.this is a...struggling peace, salmon like to swim upstream to feel the resistance, and earn the pussy...but if you turn one down stream he'll just find a pool to die in..also true. so GET OUT OF THE PULL, AND SWIM SWIM! that was a metaphor aimed at helping you write better poetry, do not try to do a jack ass stunt, and pool hop nude with a salmon tied to your guppie.that would be mobile poetry, and possibly land you in jail. e
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/7:43 AM |
remo williams, the adventure begins...naw..kidding.. sweet read.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/8:56 AM |
"crossing over the line between insight and righteousness" yep.
since this is a topic i know well i'll help clarify what my sister means, by giving you an example of a poem i wrote about the same thing, but from an entirely different perspective, about 5 or sixth months ago. granted, in no way do you have to be as dark, as me, or brooding, but you should try to alway create an atmosphere to grow your words in a terrarium where the can grow, even after you's that care for themselves in a sense..the reader will do the rest, by applying it to what they have in common with your poem. for example.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/8:08 PM |
i'll bring the jergans, you bring the oatmeal.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/8:10 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/8:13 PM |
change title to the laws of attraction "not an airborn virus", but a soup you can eat with a spoon.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/11:33 PM |
"glorious streets twilight" stuch my tongue, i was hoping for glorious street twilight holds...singular..what do you think?
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/11:38 PM |
Also the title is too similiar to god's wife when i don't think god having a wife or jesus having a mrs. rely plays all that intersting in the psyche, because it wasn't in the good book. there's no such person..historically, but i do kind of get the mythological value and's all almost too feminine, and not about know? great read a real bull. nice one..i'll come vote later. a true 9.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/11:45 PM |
I'm gonna fist you after dinner, yeah.
And fist you all night long. ah yeah
Fist you till my fist is raw, oh yeah
Till the break of dawn. oh ah yeah
if you're going for.. you know, a lyric, sung..those changes will strengthen your choruses, or what is sort of your chorus, is more so now, don't thank's my pleasure, oh yeah. <just like donkey kong> is the ps. punch line at least that's how we say it.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Jan-03/11:46 PM |
also i see you're enjoying rotten dot com excellent, glad you liked your presents.
Re: I remenber by little_angel_maria |
3-Jan-03/11:55 PM |
ha ha EWhojoyhhyggifv. the an epilepsy attack holy shit, to fucking funny, i'll remenber this...10! this is the best worst written poem of all... YOU GET THE BIRD LEGGED HUT OF CONSTANT EMOTIONAL EMOTION WITH NO MOTION" AWARD IN AHHHH not swallowing your tongue? sure why not. 10!
regarding some deleted poem... |
4-Jan-03/1:59 AM |
real damn close to god shit her son.
regarding some deleted poem... |
4-Jan-03/2:49 AM |
Why would i leave? oh..yes you've troubled me, somehow?
What troubles me is your lack, of poetry. i am a poet
My body of work outweighs your body? both.
And, since i've slept, i feel much better, but
you're no fun to talk too..well, it's just that
well, it's because your sole is is..
is filthy, and you are an ugly poodie doodie
with no headshots, too.
i liked your ass though
holding onto that bouncing
bowl of grapefruit, woahhh.
nelly, and tongue flicking
those big round nipples, and
putting my nose down by your
cooter and going sniff sniffity do
we had some good times, i was
just thinking, you weren't that
bad, maybe i was wrong, and hasty
those eyes, clear, green, my tongue
swimming in your mouth, come on
one last romp..
oh yeah that message you left on my
phone the other day, and one of your earliar
lovie dovie ones..
ones, that i saved..i've turned into a mp3
for my're going to love it.
i'm calling it (granted i haven't made a commitment
on the back ground music for it, but i'm thinking something
sorta spice girl, cindy lauperish) "tar heeled lovers", but your voice of course is the star of the song
not enough for me to be sued for mind you,
i might still decide for safety precautions to transcribe
it and hire a girl who sounds like you to read it and just
direct her, or change the octave of your voice, and the texture
more mannish, but your voice of course, or maybe just words..
you're going to love it "your like motherfucker ble blee, my phone number blah blowe, i could be rapied" it's quite a good performance perhaps your best ever..think about loving
me again..please..i don't want to do this to
us tanya, you know deep down in really hidden parts of my tender sole..i'll be yours forever.
and i'm just lashing out for your
virgin sweey hymen of nectar
bye, hope you enjoy 'your' song
you got your wish
regarding some deleted poem... |
5-Jan-03/1:47 PM |
you know if you had close friends die of aids, and drug addiction. i bet you would still write trash like this. why? because you're that fucking hysterical man. you're a fucking disgrace.plain and simple, and even more disturbing, i'm convinced you have aids from a transfusion gone bad from a car accident in your youth, and this is your way of dealing with it, outside of the drugs..either that or your just approaching it smarter than any one has ever dared too? fucking funny and creative right? yeah i guess so. it bothers me to think i actually started believing that you had something remarkable to say to the world. Do you think my friends who are dying of aids and pennyless, and scared shitless..get your joke? One of close mentors at jpl who's dying of aids openly fucking wept at your work here man, and shook his disbelief...What the fuck is wrong with you? oh're informed and a're a fucking piece of shit. it's that simple, and if you were sitting here in front of me.i'd take you for a walk you'd never the pediatric aids center in the hospital down the street..maybe you could draw for them..fuckingdraw them a picture of heaven and god (which i'm sure will be your next poem)they'll get a kick out of should be put down. you're tastelss and not funny. a stupid fuck with aids wouldn't get it, a genius with aids wouldn't get it, only you get it settle, and that's not saying much. i got your jerkcity right fucking here, no wonder you fucking dig ornella you both have alot in common, what that is? bottomless bottoms with no pride no guts both cowards.
Re: The Dance (Part II) by purplestain |
5-Jan-03/2:01 PM |
very pleasant. a good change of pace from the elitist trust fund trash poemranker attracts. have a 9.
Re: Render. Defunct by Owner of the Sky |
5-Jan-03/2:04 PM |
Re: Where? by trisha |
5-Jan-03/6:47 PM |
even hairlips can be surgically removed. have a 7.
Re: I wish by trisha |
5-Jan-03/6:48 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
5-Jan-03/6:50 PM |
it only works if you go ye sterday too.