Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
3-Jul-03/12:08 AM |
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
3-Jul-03/12:04 AM |
but people use quotes out of context
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
3-Jul-03/12:03 AM |
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
3-Jul-03/12:02 AM |
hey MUSEHEART if you dont' expect reply's then don't critique. of course i'll be defensive if you say my poem is not a poem and that it is garbage. but did i tell you to stop or be quiet? nope.
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
2-Jul-03/11:28 PM |
not only is it humorous
it has meaning
or it's just
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
2-Jul-03/11:26 PM |
don't mess with california
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
2-Jul-03/11:25 PM |
so now you're judging my language and content?
i'm sorry my poetry doesn't go along with your morals and perceptions but.alsdfla;sdjfl;kajsdf
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
2-Jul-03/11:24 PM |
okay let's throw around quotes !!!!!
Re: a comment on MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck |
2-Jul-03/11:23 PM |
Re: a comment on Caesar and the Giant. (revised) by SupremeDreamer |
2-Jul-03/2:38 PM |
is jean pronounced
jean as the jean grey
jean as in jean claude van dam
Re: a comment on Caesar and the Giant. (revised) by SupremeDreamer |
2-Jul-03/2:13 PM |
so you are this RGallet everyones been talking about
Re: a comment on Caesar and the Giant. (revised) by SupremeDreamer |
2-Jul-03/2:12 PM |
lol i give up
ur not a little bitch
i take it back
u mistook me for rgwatever or settle
and i was perplexed that everyone thought i was him
i really liked this poem tho.
Re: a comment on Caesar and the Giant. (revised) by SupremeDreamer |
2-Jul-03/12:45 PM |
i'm a coward? yea ok. since i'd knew you'd get an email anyway.
what you gonna go eminem on me now? just give it up man.
it's not gonna go anywhere.
Re: Erotic Crossroad in my Dream: So I Cream Into Me Panties by Luzr |
2-Jul-03/12:35 PM |
aw cute
u even initialed it
Crossroad in my Dream
cuz i thought the top part looked like signs pointing in directions and the bottom is a blob of dirt.
Re: a comment on Caesar and the Giant. (revised) by SupremeDreamer |
2-Jul-03/10:34 AM |
what about me!
I would like to declare that I am no one else.
Cept ONE person, but no one has mentioned him yet.
i am not this Settle or RGallet or watever
Re: I'll be your Gimp by GAY AS FU*K |
1-Jul-03/12:38 PM |
Re: a comment on STIGMA / MUSEHEART by JoyLuck |
1-Jul-03/11:14 AM |
1 a archaic : a scar left by a hot iron : BRAND b : a mark of shame or discredit : STAIN c : an identifying mark or characteristic; specifically : a specific diagnostic sign of a disease
2 a stigmata plural : bodily marks or pains resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ and sometimes accompanying religious ecstasy b : PETECHIA
3 a : a small spot, scar, or opening on a plant or animal b : the usually apical part of the pistil of a flower which receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate -- see FLOWER illustration
yea i can see that
Re: I Wonder by EmicaX |
1-Jul-03/11:00 AM |
Re: a comment on Apparently you missed the Memo by Luzr |
1-Jul-03/10:52 AM |
well he was wasn't he
it's better than hurling "quotes" at eachother :)
Re: a comment on STIGMA / MUSEHEART by JoyLuck |
1-Jul-03/10:40 AM |
lol what do you mean by Spanish?