Re: a comment on From the Ashes of Descartes by Quarton |
5-Jan-03/5:46 AM |
Judging by the brilliance of your reply, I
doubt you even know who he is or what is
meant by Cartesian reality. Not my fault and
perhaps you should go back to reading what
you can understand, like nursery rhymes.
Re: untitled2 by ThreeFourSix |
4-Jan-03/8:19 AM |
Short and sweet. Kind of like something Ogden Nash would write.
If you haven't read him, check it out.
Re: Missing You by psychedelic |
4-Jan-03/8:07 AM |
Nice. I like the simplicity and the
Re: a comment on Instantly by Quarton |
30-Dec-02/5:10 PM |
Yes, we are too slow but that isn't always bad. And it's
all relative anyway. The neat thing about Einstein's theory
is it sees everything as being relative to something else.
Except the speed of light which is a constant and relative
to nothing. And how about string theory that postulates a
10 dimensional space/time. In such esoteric concepts, we are
indeed too slow. Thanks for the big number:)
Re: a comment on Instantly by Quarton |
30-Dec-02/5:02 PM |
Baby cows??? Are you sure you don't mean calf. Hopefully,
most of them are running free and just being what they are
by their nature. As everything is. But I still will not eat
a veal cutlet. And at what age is a baby cow no longer a baby?
Re: The spleenless poet by Bachus |
30-Dec-02/4:52 PM |
Well, you have certainly written an original poem though, after reading it twice, I am unsure as to your intent and meaning. It is an interesting poem and I will wait until I have time to read it again before giving it a rating.
Re: a comment on One Country by poetandknowit |
30-Dec-02/7:03 AM |
Not sure if your question was for me or not but
I do have an opinion. Being a deist, I do not
believe in a "personal God" and tend towards a
humanistic view.
Cloning humans is a controversial subject as we
all know and the strongest objections come from
the religious community--primarily those that are
monotheistic such as Christianity, Judaism and
Islamism. Their beliefs are pretty much entrenched
and not likely to change for reasons involving
their personal faith or blind beliefs. From their
perspective, God is in control of everything. He/She
is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent, a concept
that I find not only bogus but utterly ridiculous.
The God they have created is a kind of spiritual
elephantiasis, pervasive and always watching and
knowing both our
thoughts and deeds ad nauseum. Eastern religions have
more credibility as they are free of the dogma and
moral certitude that accompany most other religions
and would probably leave issues such as cloning in
the hands of the human creators.
From a medical or scientific view, there would be
proponents as well as opponents for there are logical,
medical, scientific and moral considerations that
must be addressed prior to a resolution. I won't go
into detail regarding the above but one example from
a medical position would be selective cloning in which
genetic and/or hereditary factors would be considered,
thus greatly improving quality of life and longevity.
Everything considered, I believe the issue is
inherently intractable. It is comparable to the
abortion controversy with strong opinions from both
sides that are not going to change. So....there will
certainly be more human cloning and the arguments
both pro and con will continue. Where it will all lead
remains unanswerable considering specifics but highly
predictable considering the opposing views that address
moral and religious precepts.
Re: a comment on One Country by poetandknowit |
29-Dec-02/9:24 PM |
Regardless of our differences of opinions, neither
of us have resorted to profanity or personal
attacks on family members as did a previous post.
I did not rate your poem so it was not I who gave
it a three. I will have some comments soon and
did read your piece but not in depth. My first
impression was quite positive and it was obvious
your poem rates much higher than a three.
More later and I apologize for calling you a
hypocrite though we all are to various degrees.
Also, you seem to well versed and I was wondering
if you have an interest in cosmology? The relatively
new world of quantum mechanics is an area I have
pursued for years and I am convinced it is not
written about nearly as much as it should be. I have
written several poems concerning the new physics
and related subjects and my main problem is the
abstract nature inherent to such matters. But, I
keep trying to describe the abstract in a
non-abstract way and believe I have made some
progress though there remains much difficuly
in doing so.
Re: a comment on One Country by poetandknowit |
29-Dec-02/5:03 PM |
Ooops, that was a three and not a zero that
you were given. Hell, someone found at least
some redeeming qualities in your poem while
you found absolutely none in mine. Yes....
hypocricy fits quite nicely.
Re: a comment on One Country by poetandknowit |
29-Dec-02/4:56 PM |
Not me. I'm afraid I might be biased. Hmmm...and
I believe it was you who wondered why I resented
the zero you gave me. Of course, your poem was given
a zero by an anonymous source but still, it is
obvious that you took umbrage just as I did.
Borderline hypocrisy in my opinion.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
28-Dec-02/9:42 PM |
Geezz,it seems like only yesterday. You are right,
of course, in pointing out the insignificance of
the zero you gave my poem. "Different strokes" surely
applies though I have had some very favorable comments
so no big deal.
If you decide to read a couple of my poems, I would suggest
"Of curves and Straight Lines and "No One Cares." And let me know the titles of 2 or 3 you have written and I will check
them out and give you an honest opinion.
If you do not care to, sure has been fun having
you for a pen pal:)
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
28-Dec-02/5:06 PM |
Let's see now. Am I that shallow?....mooing like a trapped
baby cow (for your info, it is called a calf)....generic
thinking rather than well rounded thinking (of course, you
mean thinking as you do)....more insight and making me less
shallow (again, you mean as you think and interpret the
world, it being obvious that you consider yourself a deep
thinker)....and to all of the above, you have no clue as
to how I think beyond one poem that I purposely wrote to
appeal to the average reader and not to one as brilliant
as yourself. Why not read a few of my other poems before
passing judgment on myself personally. That would give
your opinions some much needed credibility.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
28-Dec-02/6:22 AM |
Well, I'm not sure either but I know they are
assembled and by more than one person so call
it whatever you choose. Since you deem my poem
to be without any merit or worth, I am sure there
are other nit-picks you might enlighten me on.
I actually enjoy comments on my poetry, good or
bad. However, to give it a zero is absurd IMO.
Does the book you suggest touch on the animals
intrinsic rights that go beyond human assignment?
Does it speak to the cruelty of raising calves
in tiny pens, never able to run and play as most
young animals do. Does it address the system's
view where all life is related and connected?
Does it speak to growth hormones and the comparative
worth of a veal dinner and the inhumanity involved
in its "production?"
You may say my poem is worthless by giving it a zero
and that is certainly your right to do so. But, anyone
who has read some of the poetry posted throughout the
internet, would quickly realize there is little or no
credibility in assigning mine a zero. In fact, the real zero
lies in your your comments, not mine. Understand it is
not your dislike of my poem that bothers me, it is once
again, the absurdity of your rating which lessens the
credibility of everything that follows.
Have a good day.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
27-Dec-02/11:00 PM |
How thoughtful of you to read and comment on my poem.
The fact that you gave it a zero clearly demonstrates
the extent of your biased bullshit. Critique my poems
as often as you wish and make comments, good or bad.
But save the zero for yourself.
I must admit to a chuckle when I read about TN and the
"United Sportsmen of America." Regarding the generic
mantra, it goes both ways...."I feel like"..."originality",
"sap", "tackles the subject", the infamous "step away" nauseum
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
27-Dec-02/7:54 AM |
Yes, but, does a computer know the differece between
a banana split and chopped liver? I think not but Alex
does. He also generalizes concepts and, unlike a computer,
he is affectionate tho at times he gets cranky, usually
when he orders his steak rare and it comes back medium.
Regarding those nudists, the sentient/nakedness theory
is exposed as quackery every time one of the males has
a hard on. I'd say that would prove they are sentient
though the viagra factor cannot be ignored in the equation.
The bottom line is we must wait for the unification of
the strong and weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and
gravity before we know if Alex is sentient. He recently
wrote a paper on this which Hawkings described as very
un-parrot like though he made several mathematical
errors. Alex is presently hard at work correcting his
mistakes and the sentient/nakedness conundrum may be
resolved in the near future. Just in case, he has ordered
several outfits from Lands' End. He also tod me you are
ruffling his feathers as he is still waiting for the
sunflower seeds.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
27-Dec-02/7:12 AM |
Nope, I am no big fan of PETA. They are a bit too
extreme and in a sense, hurt rather than help their
cause. My feelings on animal cruelty are pretty
much mainstream and obvious to many who also view
PETA as being too radical. Thanks for the visit.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
26-Dec-02/7:16 PM |
You are probably correct however, how about Alex, a
gray parrot who is able to perceive quantities and
identify various shapes and colors? Also, he orders
his own food and uses words in syntax....By the way,
he said to say hello and asked if you could send him
some sunflower seeds.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
26-Dec-02/4:21 PM |
Wow, your kind words are appreciated and I
hereby deem myself to be a poet of great
merit and excellence. But sadly, I am not
though I am very pleased that you enjoyed
my poem. And thank you for the ten.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
26-Dec-02/4:15 PM |
If you are the Pope, it is indeed naughty. And I
was speaking about animals. Most humans, if they
were shown what they were getting into, would
probably say no fucking way and return to their
former state of oblivion.
Re: a comment on Things by Quarton |
26-Dec-02/4:11 PM |
Well....good question and perhaps they have no
choice. What would a quarter million pound blue
whale wear? Anything it wanted to!...and my
neighbor has two toy poodles that have little
doggie sweaters. But I'll bet they have a problem
putting them on and taking them off.