Re: a comment on Pandora's Box by PoeticXTC |
21-Dec-05/12:53 PM |
Thank You, Cyan9. I purposely did that so that the end could be strong and the reader could feel a change in power. I didn't want the middle stanzas to be too strong so that it overwhelmed the end feeling I am trying to get out of the readers.
Re: a comment on It's Time by PoeticXTC |
21-Dec-05/10:08 AM |
Yes TIME is infinite
but WE are not.
Re: The Ballad of Fraser Allonby Q.C., Barrister-At-Law by wFraser Allonby Q.C.w |
20-Dec-05/9:06 PM |
Re: Cupid promised me, Nadine by Shardik |
20-Dec-05/8:52 PM |
Beautiful poem. I'mma sucker for love myself and this poem is the mirror image of my love for someone else. I truely loved this poem.
You have my heart at "..'til the light of me flicker-sighs-..."
Re: Privacy Compromised by Dovina |
20-Dec-05/8:45 PM |
Lmao, Im tripping over your last line, krayz!!!
"Unmasking faith behind dogma dispelled-slipped hint's of me."- Curious as to what you meant by "... slipped hints of me."
Re: a comment on Temptation by PoeticXTC |
20-Dec-05/8:38 PM |
With this poem I didn't want to get wordie. "He speaks the reconizable; my soul."- he speaks my soul, not to my soul. I do agree w/ 2 things you criticized, the semicolons were a bit much but to keep the lauguage of the poem strait and to the point, I had to use them. "Without Knowing; he speaks the language of my heart,..." was a honest mistake that I over looked.
Re: a comment on The Calling by PoeticXTC |
20-Dec-05/8:32 PM |
I was trying to create the image for my generations (My grandfathers' grand children and great grand children)perspective of our grandfather. They watch, they cry, they stand amazed, they keep watching.... that's what I was aiming for.