Fraser Allonby Q.C. is a recipient of the poemWanker award: Likes to create fake accounts pretending to be other users. The Ballad of Fraser Allonby Q.C., Barrister-At-Law (Other) by wFraser Allonby Q.C.w
Each and every morn I wake
And rouse myself from sleep.
I stretch and yawn, and stretch again,
Then out of bed I leap.
Into my pantaloons I strap
My heaving, sweaty frame.
I'm Fraser Allonby Q.C.:
Well knows the world my name.
My larder groans with sweet delights
With which I'll break my fast.
I gorge on buns and pies and ale
And relish my repast.
I stroll into my robing room
Wherein forthwith I dress
My bulk in courtly finery:
I wear only the best.
I place upon my head so large
My newly powdered wig,
And hide within black folds of gown
My hindquarters so big.
I prance into the morn so fair
And heave my bulk to court
Wherein I speak of equity,
And negligence, and tort.
My clients pay me by the hour
And augment my vast riches.
I spend my wealth on whores and port
And jewel-encrusted britches.
All the comments that I post
Are more or less the same
I'm Fraser Allonby Q.C.:
Well knows the world my name.
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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10 |

11 | 10 |
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5 | 3 |
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2 | 0 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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0 | 1 |
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1 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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0 | 2 |
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3 | 4 |
Arithmetic Mean: 7.2040815
Weighted score: 7.204077
Overall Rank: 18
Posted: May 14, 2004 4:57 AM PDT; Last modified: May 14, 2004 10:04 AM PDT
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Edna Sweetlove,
conny lingers
855 view(s)
So you have time to write that but no time for a mug of wallop later in inner temple?
You shameful fraud!
See http://coffeetea.about.com/library/gloss
You are a failed thin person.