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20 most recent comments by TearsOnRoses and replies
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Re: Loving You More Each Day by Katrina 12-Aug-04/9:36 PM
Beautiful poem. A few spelling mistakes but good work.
Re: MotherF*ckers Who Fuck Above/Two Story Apartment by JoyLuck 11-Aug-04/12:33 AM
Took me awhile to see the picture. Lol
Re: Let's Do a Test by GAC 11-Aug-04/12:30 AM
Good poem...I loved the ending. -10-
Re: a comment on Waiting In The Shadows by TearsOnRoses 11-Aug-04/12:24 AM
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
Re: A Flower for Monet by Shuushin 10-Aug-04/11:07 PM
very beautiful poem
Re: Countdown by TearsOnRoses 18-Jul-04/4:17 PM
Ever heard the song "Shatterday" from Vendetta Red? Well, that's where I got the idea to write "Countdown." And yeah, obviously the numbers are there so it will rhyme...
Re: Frozen Angel by Ranger 18-Jul-04/7:41 AM
Beautiful poem. :)
Re: Old Friends by sliver 18-Jul-04/7:37 AM
Beautiful poem. :)
Re: Squeeze it out... by mrpresident 18-Jul-04/7:09 AM
That was interesting...

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