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Quest! (Sonnet) by ?-Dave_Mysterious-?
Upon this wand'ring quest, For which I wear a vest, Should those who show bare breast, Be under house arrest. I'll always do my best, To proudly sport my crest, To East or to the West, With ne'er a falt'ring zest! I'm always fully dressed, It's nudeness I detest, For if you had not guessed, With clothing I am blessed! My inner pain shall forever my burden be.

Up the ladder: Devil's Deal
Down the ladder: Sounds

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.4
Weighted score: 4.9284782
Overall Rank: 9381
Posted: February 19, 2004 6:55 PM PST; Last modified: February 26, 2004 5:50 PM PST
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-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.

[9] Shuushin @ | 19-Feb-04/7:30 PM | Reply
That last quatrain almost sounds like another language.

"Qu'est nest breastvest"

Well crafted; a NINE shall you have.

and do this:

My inner pain shall
my burden be.
[8] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 20-Feb-04/7:13 PM | Reply
Dave, the only thing mysterious about you is how your bike hasn't exploded yet spraying speckled bananna seat all about the park trail.
My bicylce exploded many eons ago. It seems it was unworthy of my excellent buttocks.
[9] horus8 @ | 22-Feb-04/4:29 PM | Reply
Indeed, remember when the kept asking Michael J. Fox what was with the life jacket in back to the future, and when the Navy would be setting sail! Yay. But one must ask if a chicken breast was wearing a vest would that said breast be a lesbian turkey tit imposter?
[n/a] ?-Dave_Mysterious-? @ > horus8 | 22-Feb-04/4:53 PM | Reply
Now you are just being silly. Besides, Michael J Fox's life jacket was clearly to protect him from the effects of travelling at ungodly speeds in excess of eighty-eight miles per hour.
[9] horus8 @ > ?-Dave_Mysterious-? | 22-Feb-04/5:13 PM | Reply
Indeed, yes, just yesterday at 87 mph as my yugo was literally rattling itself appart and catching air (like the Columbia's rentry), I found myselfing wishing I had worn mine, before I was spared teleportation, due to my sheer genius of taking the time to create my own flux capasitor out of a bra, an old atari, a best of oingo boingo cd, and some spare Plutonium I happened to be saving in a clothing trunk in the attic.
[n/a] ?-Dave_Mysterious-? @ > horus8 | 22-Feb-04/5:18 PM | Reply
Flux capacitors can only be devised whilst on the toilet.
[9] horus8 @ > ?-Dave_Mysterious-? | 22-Feb-04/5:24 PM | Reply
Yes, the cat's out of the bag... "bow'ls".
It's commonly quoted that the amount of electricity needed to power the DeLorean's time-travelling in Back to the Future is 1.21 Jigawatts. However, what Doc actually says is "One point twenty-one jigawatts", in other words 1 in the units place and 21 in the first decimal place. That is to say, (1 * 1) + (21 / 10) = 3.1 Jigawatts -- an error of nearly 200%.
[n/a] Dovina @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 13-Nov-04/10:29 AM | Reply
Dear Angel in Flux,
Regrettable, the way you got stuck in Nethertime. Perhaps if you’d listened to sound advice and not set your flux capacitor to that ridiculous 3.1gw, you’d be dining with King Arthur right now instead of floating about like some poop-stuffed raven over the Fields of Doggerel.

As I was about say when you rudely went off on your ill-fated trip, 1.21 is 1.21 regardless of anybody’s phrasing of it. And to show how wrong you were, I was leading up to the European reversal of comma and decimal point, 1,21, and the omitted and unnecessary zero, hence 1,210 gigawatts, which is far more than 200% in error. It’s too late now, of course, and I do wish time were kinder, but perhaps next time you’ll reconsider your insinuation that girls can’t do math. And, really, “gigawatts” does not become some new-fangled word just because somebody mispronounces it.

Really, DA, I’m shocked. But if you ask nicely, I’ll try to rescue you by deriving an input algorithm for your misfluxed capacity.

[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Dovina | 13-Nov-04/11:03 AM | Reply
1. "1.21 is 1.21 regardless of anybody's phrasing of it." An astounding insight. But "one point twenty-one" is not the same as "1.21", as you will see if you manage to understand the following:

You are doubtless familiar with binary or hexadecimal arithmetic, or at least the concept of using bases other than 10. Let's use base 35, where digits above 9 are written using letters A - Z. Then how is the following pronounced?


The answer is "One point L", or "One point twenty-one", since the value of L is 21. In base 10, this evalutes to 1 + (21 / 35) = 1.6.

Still in base 35, how is the following pronounced?


The answer is "One point two one". In base 10, this evaluates to 1 + (2 / 35) + (1 / 1225) ~= 1.058. Not at all the same as "One point twenty-one".

I bet you still don't get it. Then think about this. What is the value of "one point a million"? Is it the same as "one point ten" or "one point one"? No. And only a massive thicky could possibly think otherwise.

2. The unit is a Jigawatt. 1.21 gigawatts is a paltry amount, much less than the amount of power delivered by a lightning bolt.
[n/a] Dovina @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 13-Nov-04/11:35 AM | Reply
I presume this means you are quite satisfied and refusing any offers of assitance. By the way it's the D of November here, 1M9. what is it there?
[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Dovina | 13-Nov-04/12:31 PM | Reply
Your mastery of base 35 doesn't excuse your gross misunderstanding of the situation, Dovina. Just admit that the amount of power required by the Delorean is 3.1 jigawatts, and you can dig yourself out of this rather ugly hole.
[n/a] Dovina @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 13-Nov-04/1:26 PM | Reply
Mastery? With no demeaning adjectives, no slanderous associations, except for the rather mild “gross misunderstandings”? How atypical. Oh, I see, it’s flattery to get an admission. Well your reliance on blunders has gotten you to where and when you are, and I’m not joining you.
[10] zodiac @ > Dovina | 18-Nov-04/12:04 AM | Reply
It's not mastery, sorry.
[10] zodiac @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 17-Nov-04/11:56 PM | Reply
It might interest you two to know that in all of the official "Back to the Future" screenplays (available here:,, and the correct amount of power is only expressed numerically - ie, "1.21 gigawatts".
[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > zodiac | 18-Nov-04/12:23 PM | Reply
Those aren't "official" scripts, you mincing oaf. "Transcribed by Mike Mahoney".


They are Mike Mahoney's idea of A REAL GOOD TIME. Of course he's made the same mistake as Dovina has. They're both major thickos!!!!!1
[10] zodiac @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 19-Nov-04/6:36 AM | Reply
Oops. And in the online "novelization", it's spelled "jigowatts".
[10] zodiac @ > Dovina | 19-Nov-04/6:44 AM | Reply
Look at the year "1M9". 1 is in the hundreds' place. M is in the tens, and 9 is in the ones. That gives you 1 hundred, 22 tens, and 9 ones, or 1 + 22(10) + 9, or the year 329. Ergo, what the fuck are you on about? Mastery, indeed.

I'm afraid, though, we're all horribly mistaken calling it base-35. A base "where digits above 9 are written using letters A - Z" is BASE-36, since zero counts as one of the digits, the way a base using the positive digits up to nine is base-10.

I blame -=Dark_Angel=-,P.I.
[n/a] ho_hum @ > zodiac | 19-Nov-04/8:34 AM | Reply
Your second comment is true, but "1M9" in base 35, has 1 in 35*35s column, 22 in the 35s column and 9 in the units column.

35*35 + 22*35 + 9 = 2004.

In base 36 you're looking at year 1KO.
[10] zodiac @ > ho_hum | 20-Nov-04/12:13 AM | Reply
Oops. Crap.
[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > zodiac | 20-Nov-04/1:50 PM | Reply
To further add to your humiliation, your second comment is not even true. We can hijack the letters A-Z, or indeed any other symbol representing any number, and use them perfectly well in base 35, base 10, or any other base.

In particular, Z0 in base-35 = 25*35 = 875.

Given that your first error revolved around this exact phenomenon, this is inexcusable.

8th time the charm.
[10] zodiac @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 20-Nov-04/10:57 PM | Reply
I'd thought you might say that. Still, "base 35, where digits above 9 are written using letters A - Z" seems clearly intended to mean the value 10 is expressed using A, 11 with B, 12 with C, and so on without skipping letters to Z. You're backtracking. An gentleman would at least blame the help.

It's been five years since I studied Maths, meaning eight years since I last saw bases. Checking my transcipt, I find I made dismal grades in everything except Intro to Logic and Proof. Lately, I'm even embarrassed about that.
[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > zodiac | 21-Nov-04/4:21 AM | Reply
You don't understand. I'm not skipping letters, I'm simply adding on an additional letter, Z, whose value is 35 (contrary to the idiotic error in my last comment). A's value is still 10.

Let us use base 10, where letters A-F are used to represent numbers 10 through 15. Then DEAF = (13 * 1000) + (14 * 100) + (10 * 10) + (15 * 1). This doesn't magically make it hexademical, in which DEAF = (13 * 4096) + (14 * 256) + (10 * 16) + (15 * 1).
[n/a] Dovina @ > zodiac | 19-Nov-04/11:39 AM | Reply
Is this an example of what your learned in three years as a math major? Shame!
[10] zodiac @ > Dovina | 20-Nov-04/12:22 AM | Reply
Is this an example of what you learned in over 20 years speaking English? Splooge!
[8] richa @ | 24-Feb-04/2:27 PM | Reply
If you are not a child then you are an idiot -8-
[n/a] ?-Dave_Mysterious-? @ > richa | 26-Feb-04/5:50 PM | Reply
[0] smlink84 @ | 26-Feb-04/8:42 PM | Reply
I agree
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