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Strung Out On Sunlight (Free verse) by J.B. Manning
I haven’t slept in days Everything seems so far away Except for dreams Nightmares maybe A dog barks in the distance It’s echo sparks a series of hallucinations Like lying my face on a fault line People pass me on the street I blink away their movements Light gives me a migraine And everything’s the same A melting pot of puke and twisted fait A crack on the sidewalk reminds me of some grand adventure That I never really had I’ve reinvented myself so many times I can’t remember my own name It’s 3am on Monday or maybe Thursday of next week Time is linear and I blink away its movements

Up the ladder: pErFeCt pAiN
Down the ladder: minotaur

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.0
Weighted score: 5.119203
Overall Rank: 5638
Posted: September 17, 2003 9:34 AM PDT; Last modified: September 17, 2003 9:34 AM PDT
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[5] nentwined @ | 17-Sep-03/6:17 PM | Reply
some nice ideas. I don't feel the flow lends to the feeling of sleep deprivation (even though it may have been created by such; I could find much of one)...
[n/a] J.B. Manning @ > nentwined | 18-Sep-03/10:52 AM | Reply
sleep deprevation caused by meth. "I could find much of one?"
[5] nentwined @ > J.B. Manning | 18-Sep-03/11:17 AM | Reply
that was meant to be "couldn't", saying lack of a flow may have been created by sleep dep.

hmm. meth makes it make a lot more sense. odd, that.
[n/a] DreamerSupreme @ > J.B. Manning | 18-Sep-03/12:46 PM | Reply
you forgot to mention voices, multi-character thought patterns, and the strange sudden urge to destroy furniture.

good though. i can tell you actually had some experience with sleep dep and meth.
[n/a] J.B. Manning @ > DreamerSupreme | 23-Sep-03/10:42 AM | Reply
multi-character thought patterns...
[8] jonnyduk @ | 30-Jun-04/4:22 PM | Reply
Sounds like a good night out gone baaaaaad
[7] mikeeb @ | 14-Mar-07/10:49 AM | Reply
I like it - the beginning is strong. I might suggest having a second look at the ending, as it left me wanting. Perhaps the last line isn't even necessary? Leaving the poem as you started, with a sense of disorientation (It's 3am on Monday / or maybe Thursday of next week) might be more effective.

Just a suggestion. Nice work either way.
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