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lost (short) (Lyric) by sir_heff
I lost my body in the sands of time lost my mind to the sound of this rhyme lost everybody, everybody I know lost everyone and now I’m alone

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.571429
Weighted score: 4.8847394
Overall Rank: 9932
Posted: May 6, 2003 11:29 AM PDT; Last modified: May 6, 2003 11:29 AM PDT
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[6] horus8 @ | 6-May-03/3:25 PM | Reply
I lost my body, in the sands of time.
Lost my mind, to the sound of this rhyme.

lost everybody, everyone I know.
I lost everybody, that's why I'm alone.
[6] deleted user @ | 6-May-03/6:45 PM | Reply
its ok, nothing wrong with it but u could add more
[6] horus8 @ > deleted user | 6-May-03/8:25 PM | Reply
add more what? heff perhaps? yes, bring more heff to your poem sir! farGHHHHHHHHHH! arrrdghhhhhhh. just now there was a triple homocide 5 mile from everyone, everywhere, and know one knows it yet. cool.
[n/a] sir_heff @ > horus8 | 8-May-03/8:34 AM | Reply
i thouhgt of this as a lyric to a techno song, so it would repeat many times.......
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > sir_heff | 8-May-03/10:02 AM | Reply
how many times?
[n/a] sir_heff @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 9-May-03/6:18 AM | Reply
roughly 28
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > sir_heff | 9-May-03/8:01 AM | Reply
You've got the answer wrong. What you meant to say was "the least fixed point of the function f : Real -> Real where f(x) = |x| and Real is the set of real numbers". What have you got to say for yourself, now?
Or perhaps you meant K where K = aleph_K, ie the limit of the series {aleph_0, aleph_aleph_0,...,}? I very much doubt there is such a big number. I doubt you are not a cad.
[n/a] sir_heff @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 10-May-03/9:39 PM | Reply
where do you think i got 28?
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > sir_heff | 10-May-03/10:16 PM | Reply
If the bones are correct, you plucked it from the hamper of a sleeping rogue, wearing nothing but the singleton set of nudity.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 7-May-03/8:52 AM | Reply
a bit short
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