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Sweet, Sweet... Daddy (Villanelle) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
Mr. Man, is serving detention I can't fit my face through his bars An angry man needs attention. Mrs. Man claims it's prevention Making that nigger hide his scars Mr. Man, is serving detention I'm at home with incarceration Why should I get to count stars? An angry man needs attention. I watched you give freedom a C-section Behind black windowed bullet proof cars Mr. Man, is serving detention. A New-World-Order is in gestation Invented between their bogies, and pars. An angry man needs attention. A Vilanelle for your contemplation I refuse to rhyme those above with wars. Mr. Man, is serving detention. An angry man needs attention.

Up the ladder: Walls
Down the ladder: apparitions of the city

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10  .. 55
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.. 72

Arithmetic Mean: 4.8461537
Weighted score: 4.8471837
Overall Rank: 10599
Posted: March 5, 2003 7:31 PM PST; Last modified: March 5, 2003 8:00 PM PST
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[0] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 5-Mar-03/9:39 PM | Reply
How fucking delightful! 4 for the poem, 5 for the charmingly witty and irreverent attitude, for a total of 9!!! (You earned it!!)
[1] TanHand @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 5-Mar-03/10:36 PM | Reply
Dude watch what you say...if u piss him off he'll write a POEM about you.....a REALLY BAD poem.
[0] horus8 @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 6-Mar-03/12:05 AM | Reply
Tsk... You have clearly been bested kind sir. A gentlemen does not soil anothers hankerchief when he has a cold and leaky parson's nose. He waits to diddle the help on the way out, and snout kick his prize hunting hound. You are clearly out of line, and I demand satasfaction! `
-/ 0 ` ..

Thanks, from my chair to yours.
[1] TanHand @ | 5-Mar-03/10:37 PM | Reply
This poem is like a fresh bayleaf immersed in hot hot butter.
[0] horus8 @ > TanHand | 6-Mar-03/12:13 AM | Reply

(*)\_ + hatred divided by love makes jack a dull boy.
[n/a] <~> @ > horus8 | 6-Mar-03/8:26 AM | Reply
that is fucking CLASSIC!
[1] TanHand @ | 6-Mar-03/5:53 AM | Reply
Jesus christ, POW Tea blend is delicious. Prince of Wales that is. Goddamn.
[0] poetandknowit @ | 10-Mar-03/10:55 PM | Reply
Another in the long line of "I am misunderstood, really this is genius" crap you write. Dude, Stan Rice is dead. It is yours for the taking!!!!!!!!
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > poetandknowit | 4-Aug-03/1:20 PM | Reply
(*)\_ + hatred divided by love makes jack a dull boy.
[1] phoenixxx @ | 13-Jun-03/2:48 PM | Reply
Wow, that's pretty bad. The poem makes an attempt at something important, but falls far short. In your comments, and your poem you lack syntax and proper grammar. Find a new hobby.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > phoenixxx | 13-Jun-03/3:18 PM | Reply
Do you even know what a vilanelle is idiot?
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > phoenixxx | 4-Aug-03/1:20 PM | Reply
(*)\_ + hatred divided by love makes jack a dull boy.
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