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Life's Loves Lost (Lyric) by Jigg
No one has ever really liked me No one has ever really said Affection hasn't ever came my way On this lonely path I tread At times it gets me down At times I shrug and laugh it off I feel I need to leave this town At times this life's too rough I guess there was this one love I guess I was naive I'll never ever do that stuff That's why I gotta leave No one has ever loved me No one has even tried No one will ever set free The love I have inside I'll only love this someone This someone, she'll never know How much she hurt this no-one The day she just said no.

Up the ladder: The Robin- A Parody
Down the ladder: Expeditions

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10  .. 314
.. 13
.. 34
.. 34
.. 510
.. 14
.. 13
.. 32
.. 03
.. 22
.. 38

Arithmetic Mean: 5.695122
Weighted score: 5.695122
Overall Rank: 1961
Posted: February 3, 2003 12:29 PM PST; Last modified: February 4, 2003 11:29 AM PST
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[6] deleted user @ | 4-Feb-03/3:17 PM | Reply
how sad :(
[6] PK @ | 4-Feb-03/7:30 PM | Reply
[3] x311 @ | 8-Feb-03/8:05 AM | Reply
I can relate to the sentiment, but it seems like it was written in the style of a fifth grader who just got shot down by his crush. If you're a fifth grader--good job! If not.....uhh, better luck next time.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 8-Feb-03/12:14 PM | Reply
I've heard plantains are pretty good for curing the blues.
[8] horus8 @ | 13-Feb-03/9:10 PM | Reply
The day she had to go
or, the day that she said, "no".
would finish this stronger, perhaps?
[7] Sapphire @ | 17-Feb-03/9:09 PM | Reply
universal isn't it?
[10] H0LL0WxL1F3 @ | 4-Mar-03/6:48 PM | Reply
Very nice. Talent overflow! You rawk.
[9] lunar @ | 5-Apr-03/1:15 PM | Reply
Really good i know what you mean completly -9-
[1] suckmychucks @ | 14-Apr-03/1:56 PM | Reply
you like tomatos in your salad? then, quick - GRAB YOUR ANKLES!
[7] BleedingRose @ | 23-Apr-03/6:46 AM | Reply
Great poem. It's quite vague in some parts, then again it's hard to be specific on such a topic. I feel can really relate to lines 13 and on.
[6] baughworm @ | 23-May-03/3:35 PM | Reply
The language is in need of some maturing, but the ending is good. Still needs work, but moving along.
[3] RealmOfSong @ | 10-Jun-03/11:28 AM | Reply
love sucks.
[7] crwncka1 @ | 7-Jul-03/11:02 AM | Reply
I hear ya
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