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On Wanting to Know The Truth (Haiku) by dougsoderstrom
Wanting to know The Truth, The mind wanders into "the vast expanse," Forced to return unto itself.

Up the ladder: Cat.......The sequel
Down the ladder: Blinded

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.0
Weighted score: 4.7310586
Overall Rank: 11793
Posted: January 15, 2003 10:19 AM PST; Last modified: January 15, 2003 10:19 AM PST
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[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 15-Jan-03/1:14 PM | Reply
What kind of haiku is this?
Dear Jeremi:

Thanks for your comment. With this haiku, I wanted to explore what we do when we think about things. To me, the idea of The Truth is very intriguing -- what do you think?

Your friend,
[n/a] horus8 @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 15-Jan-03/4:54 PM | Reply
What the hell are you talking about? You're Doug? Noooooooooooooooo! you filthy bastard!!!!!!!!
No, realy. What the hell are you chirping about now?
And there's some good looking smart guy called 666,
with a fucking sweet volvo calling himself you too.
So are you Ben, Doug, or Nicholas Monson, jones? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! mother mary,
my mucous membranes are drying out, the pain!!!!!!!.
i'm going to go play devil may cry now.
[n/a] dougsoderstrom @ > horus8 | 16-Jan-03/7:00 AM | Reply

Why not make comments that are relevant rather than ones that tend to make no sense at all.
[n/a] dougsoderstrom @ > Jeremi B. Handrinos | 16-Jan-03/6:56 AM | Reply
It's the kind that people who are more intelligent tend to appreciate.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > dougsoderstrom | 16-Jan-03/8:44 AM | Reply
Goodness me! It's not like you to get so cross, Doug. Are the inherent contradictions of being a Christian Humanist finally getting to you :) asl?
[n/a] dougsoderstrom @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 21-Jan-03/12:37 PM | Reply
Dark Angel:

By the way what are the inherent contradictions of being a "Christian Humanist?" Assuming that one of the primary assumptions of humanism is the importance of being a loving person along with Jesus' exhortation that we love God and our neighbor; what is the contradiction?

I do not mind communicating with you, but I really prefer not to waste my time on a bunch of nonsense.

So please respond if you do have something worthwhile to say.

[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > dougsoderstrom | 21-Jan-03/4:11 PM | Reply
OK, It's not LIKELY to happen, but just say Jesu told you to cut off someone's bum because they worshipped satan, and had been pointing their bum directly at Jesu for several months. Would you do it?

This actually did happen to a Christian Humanist once, but it turned out that the so-called devil-worshipper was in fact in a coma, and had been forced to lie face-down on a hospital bed with his buttocks upturned unto the heavens for over a year. Fortunately, when the Christian Humanist heard Jesu's words, his brain went into an infinite loop and he ate his own shoes. An innocent mandrill who had been squatting nearby remained unharmed.
[2] razorgrin @ | 15-Jan-03/1:16 PM | Reply
a shab-ass one, that's what kind. boo-urns!
[n/a] dougsoderstrom @ > razorgrin | 16-Jan-03/7:02 AM | Reply

Why not respond in a manner that is constructive and makes some kind of sense?
[8] Nicholas Jones @ | 8-Mar-03/7:13 AM | Reply
This is excellent (although it isn't technically a haiku). We can only determine truth from within, but these means all truth is personal and subjective and so therefore not really truth.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Nicholas Jones | 8-Mar-03/4:48 PM | Reply
Is that true?
[n/a] thepinkbunnyofdoom @ | 26-May-03/9:39 PM | Reply
Better than what I've read so far but still not quite "free thinking enough"
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