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The Sons and Daughters of the New Light (Free verse) by Bonehiss
A reading from "The Way of the New Light" Book Three, Chapter Six, Verse 1 Seed of our destruction Sown at history's dawn, Demented work Of unearthly science, Deadly alien spawn, Awaiting destiny's call, (1) In the rocky soil, Of forgotten Eden, Comes to malignant life, By alien command, Across the vastness, Of interstellar space, As the sound, Of ancient thunder, Beats rhythm to the dance, Of Darkness and Light, Shaping the void, Pierced by time's arrow. Dark hand of alien corruption, Author of genetic lies Woven into the fabric of humanity, Intricate modifications, To the delicate serpentine coil of life, Intended to guide our evolution, Toward perfection in time, Casts its shadow, Across each promise, Of a bright new tomorrow, Until the very soul of Earth, Tormented by savage wars, Of brutal intensity, Cries out for deliverance. (2) Universal laws of time and space, Are held in suspension, By the "Word of the Most High", As answer to Gaia's prayer, At the dawn of a new age. The chosen few, Called to decide The matter of light, And the darkness of the matter, Become wise as serpents in their youth, The foundation of all hope, For the new age of peace and prosperity, Promised to the faithful, Who brandish the sword of truth, Honoring "The Way of the New Light". (3) This is the origin, Of "The Sons and Daughters of the New Light", Who fought the good fight, And still do to this day, Hastening the "Day of Tranquility", Promised to the heirs of the Light, From before the foundation of the world. This is the Word of the Most High, Given to us by revelation as written in the, "Sacred Scroll of the Great Promise". "We shall perfect our nature according to the "Way of the New Light" and dwell in the house of the Most High, forever". Amen --Thus spoken by the High Priest of New Earth through the divine revelation of the Most High, forever affirmed to be nothing less than the Holy Word of Light given to us as truth for the perfect instruction and edification of the human mind and soul. Notes: (1) Incredibly, it lay dormant for many long ages to come. Not until the time when unchecked thermo nuclear war and the unrestricted use of extremely powerful biological and chemical agents was an everyday affair did it come alive. (2) The final evidence that the evil dormant in humanity had reached the pinnacle of depravity came in the form of a man of terrible fierceness whose criminal acts of violence have found no equal in the writings of over 200 hundred interstellar civilizations. He stalked the modern landscape like the slow moving monster he was. Relentless. The pain and suffering of his fellow man was his constant companion and ever present delight. Single minded in his resolve to master all the techniques of evil and destruction at his disposal, he was the consummate image of utter horror to those of us who could see him as he was. the worst our day and age could produce. To the vast majority of people, not yet outfitted with the state of the art anti-thought manipulation inhibitors, currently under development by scientists at PhysiTec located in the recently developed city of New Chicago, "The Father of Death", as he came to be known appeared a normal man living an ordinary life behind pale blue dot eyes. To us in the United Confluence of Nations, with headquarters located in all the major cities of member nations in the Unified earth Coalition he was an alien-human hybrid whose malignant brain worked on sinister plans with a grim determination and purpose all his own. Centuries after the destruction of his evil empire, the stories describing his atrocities and the tale of his ultimate demise are favorites told to our children in stories as well as in song on special days of remembrance set aside to honor the "The Sons and Daughters of the New Light", those special men of fearless nature who were brave enough to look consummate evil in the eye and not blink. (3) It is because of the great courage, honor, and morality demonstrated by this generation that we have been blessed. The Most High who makes his home in eternity and who is the sole author of our salvation. Our present and future hope has instructed us to live a life in the spirit as he makes his dwelling in us and because he is in us our radiance as a people shall be seen by all the creatures of the Darkness and Light that scurry amongst the stars. (Second draft)

Up the ladder: Damien
Down the ladder: Dreams

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Arithmetic Mean: 2.6666667
Weighted score: 4.72186
Overall Rank: 11866
Posted: December 21, 2002 4:45 AM PST; Last modified: March 17, 2003 9:27 PM PST
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[n/a] scitz @ | 21-Dec-02/5:12 AM | Reply
I read it -all- and am exhausted, I think you could make your point cleared more concisely, the 6 mins it took to study it is just the start now i have to think about it before voting. Hope you will answer any questions if i have any?
[n/a] Bonehiss @ > scitz | 21-Dec-02/6:10 AM | Reply
Thanks for taking the time. Yes, it needs to be trimmed for sure.
This is supposed to be a textbook commentary on manuscripts found in the distant future. Found let's say amongst the wreakage of a crashed EEV on a small moon orbiting a planet
in a distant solar system. I want to add more notes that break it down and analize it like the Higher Critism of today treats the texts of the Old Testament. Your'e exhausted! I can't stand up, I've been sitting here so long. Ask as many questions as you like. I appreciate your interest. Thanx!
[n/a] god'swife @ > Bonehiss | 22-Dec-02/11:46 AM | Reply
Why is Gaia mentioned? This sounds like a One God cult(your unceasing reference to the "Light"). You need to read some Quaker philosophy. They named their cult Friends of the Light, or simply Friends. Quaker's a nickname given by outsiders. Read some George Fox, it will help. Your text is too juvenile for your subject matter. You need to do more research. Read Isiah, all of it really but start with Chapter 9, Luke and John. Psalms 4, 19, 119 and 130. I'll post a poem called Raven+ which I wrote 7 yrs ago about my experience. It's not a very good poem but it might inspire some train of thought for you. Good luck, sounds like a huge endeavor.
[n/a] god'swife @ > god'swife | 22-Dec-02/1:17 PM | Reply
I was rong your text is not juvenile. It intertwines religion and science, and I find flaw in that simply because it breaks tradition. Usuaslly religious text is vague so it can cover universal sins, scientific and otherwise.
[n/a] Bonehiss @ > god'swife | 24-Dec-02/2:47 AM | Reply
Not one God, but the planet seen as a vast living system in its own right, praying to God.
In the early 1960's, Dr James Lovelock, independent scientist, environmentalist, author and researcher, invited by NASA to participate in the scientific research for evidence of life on Mars formulated a theory as to why the Earth appeared to be not so much a planet adorned with diverse life forms, but a planet which had been transfigured and transformed by a self-evolving and self-regulating living system. The theory was named "The Gaia Theory??? after the Greek goddess who drew the living world forth from Chaos. Its central notion, that the planet behaves as a living organism, raises the question, "To what extent is our collective intelligence also a part of Gaia? Do we as a species constitute a Gaian nervous system and a brain which can consciously anticipate environmental changes?"

???soul of Earth??? = ???Gaia???

Until the very soul of Earth,
Tormented by savage wars,
Of brutal intensity,
Cried out for deliverance.
Universal laws of time and space,
Held in suspension,
By the "Word of the Most High",
As answer to Gaia's prayer,

Thank you for your interest and comments. This piece is still in its infancy and has a long way to go. Any additional thoughts you may have are certainly welcome and would be very much appreciated.
[8] Bachus @ > god'swife | 18-Mar-03/12:33 AM | Reply
Sis, please, this text is extremely juvenille. Valiant, no doubt, a bit fanaticaly warped and pushed, but brave. he knows obviously mothing about the spectrum of colors or radiation (he needs to read manly p halls the secret teachings of all ages, until then this is babbling nonsense, some of it hits on some interesting points, but then poof, nothing), and the fates of all of the other planets and races of men and angels are missing. the repition of the demigurgas in nature, the eternal balance of light occupying and traveling through empty or occupyed space from point to point. what is evil? what is good? these our childish perceptions tagged and labeled by those afraid of death and evolution giving to us as frightened children (noah, adam, joseph, job, moses... the list is common and forever). There is no evil. Chaos is not evil. that would be like calling digestion evil. or sixth grade evil. or the ice cream man good. the only difference between a serial killer and the milk man is timing and motivation, oh and uniform. otherwise it's all the same thing, only perception, and need coupled by motivation. What is fire but both... what is water but both...?(good and evil) what is man and woman, but both. just perception. that's all. Evil aliens? christ almighty, that's the fucking least of my worries. Try killer influenzas and nucleur winter on for size aye.
[7] horus8 @ | 22-Dec-02/10:14 AM | Reply
this is the age of Horus! not the star children play patty cake. this piece suprised me...going into it, because of the title, i wanted so badly to hate it, than i did, but it's not bad for a first draft.
[n/a] SP REYNOLDS @ | 22-Dec-02/1:42 PM | Reply
Right, right - uni bomber manifesto translated into alian enlightenment or a real book that I've already read in the future... I think it was written well after the middle east peace treaty was signed, some time after never....Anyway, good boy :)
[n/a] SP REYNOLDS @ | 22-Dec-02/2:06 PM | Reply
...signed. Some time after never...
[8] Bachus @ | 18-Mar-03/12:38 AM | Reply
By the way... You can thank me later for turning you onto Manly P. Hall. You need it, but i will commend you on your effort with an eight, but just know you are over complicating things dramaticaly here. 8.
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