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20 most recent comments by singinkygal
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Re: 2 Faced by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:15 PM
Good poem Jay, I give it a 10
Re: Judge Me Not by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:17 PM
Wonderful, good points
Re: Aimless by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:18 PM
So poetic
Re: Let's Play by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:18 PM
Re: Like A Rainbow by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:20 PM
I love it when a man can be this poetic. Pour your heart out baby!!! 10
Re: Dream Me by jasondingus 9-Jan-04/7:22 PM
Dream me loving this poem. love ya j
Re: Watching by DMonster 13-Jan-04/7:54 PM
Got Prozac? It is so depressing but I give it a 7.
Re: Mirrored Immage by poetofthestar 22-Mar-04/1:49 PM
I just want to hug you after reading this, and make you eat, it sounds like a trying to save the world anorexic girls story...
sunken eyes and dying in vain... but I give it an 8
Re: Tales From The Outhouse by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 26-Mar-04/1:05 PM
I like this a lot -10-

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