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20 most recent comments by adrenalize and replies
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Re: a comment on You by adrenalize 13-Apr-03/5:12 AM
Thank you. I really appreciate it. No I'm not a member of any of the places u stated. Take care
Re: First move by aliena 22-Dec-02/11:31 AM
I like the part bout moving together like parallel tracks...really nice idea
Re: a comment on One by adrenalize 22-Dec-02/11:27 AM
thanks for the points but considering they're from a high school brat I guess its not
Re: a comment on One by adrenalize 22-Dec-02/11:25 AM
First of all nice name......think there was an Italian actress who happened to have that name too....Secondly....I got sick of all the bs in the media these days and consequently I wrote the poem cos mayb if we tried getting along with other ppl it'd b better than all the fighting crap and thirdly i don't give a shit about ur reality cos REALITY SUCKS
Re: a comment on TONIGHT by adrenalize 31-Oct-02/6:23 AM
Hey Katie.......Thank u for ur comments.....Well I know it needs some polishing but I had 2 free hours and so decided to utilise em by writing a poem and so its kindda raw I admit
Re: a comment on WHY by adrenalize 26-Sep-02/5:56 AM
Sorry u think that way...........just my experiences thats all
Re: a comment on WHY by adrenalize 26-Sep-02/5:55 AM
yeah i think def leppard is a gr8 band contrary to what the charts and so called mainstream music gurus have to say
Re: a comment on ALIVE by adrenalize 25-Sep-02/9:22 AM
Well first of all thank you for taking the time to comment but i can't make any sense of it because i never thought poetry was about making sense.But thats just my opinion.........every1's entitled to their's.........

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