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You (Free verse) by adrenalize
Every heartbeat has your name Every breath kindles your flame This hunger that grows for you This river of desire that flows to you You are my shelter In the scorching heat You are the rain That caresses my face You are the colour That brightens up life You are the magic Of all the seasons You are the dream That pulls me to it everyday You are the promise That I vow to fulfil

Up the ladder: sorry, but i am lame
Down the ladder: What do you see

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.25
Weighted score: 5.029801
Overall Rank: 7266
Posted: April 12, 2003 11:54 AM PDT; Last modified: April 12, 2003 11:54 AM PDT
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[8] Todd @ | 12-Apr-03/5:46 PM | Reply
That is an excellent poem.A vey good read.Your name seems familiar.Are you a member of poet sanctuary or voicesnet? Take care
[n/a] adrenalize @ > Todd | 13-Apr-03/5:12 AM | Reply
Thank you. I really appreciate it. No I'm not a member of any of the places u stated. Take care
[7] thepinkbunnyofdoom @ | 14-Apr-03/12:47 PM | Reply
well said -7-
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