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20 most recent comments by digipoet and replies
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Re: a comment on meeting her gaze by digipoet 18-Apr-06/3:19 PM
thanks for the comments ... it is supposed to be a humorous piece about not being able to get it up. I did overuse "face" in the poem. The "parcels" of your face is not about computers or technology, but suggests that a face can carry a range of weighty messages. The subject of the poem is happy that condemnation is not one of these messages, but remains humiliated.

Maybe three stanzas would be better:

the parcels of
your face i see
reflect no condemnation

my meager rise
its ceiling low
falls short of inspiration

can Icarus
survive humiliation
Re: talkstupid by 7!3 18-Apr-06/12:16 AM
lol! nicely done
Re: a comment on metadata by digipoet 13-Apr-06/10:29 AM
It is actually metadata from a moment in time (01/01/00) - perhaps I need to make this more clear
Re: He Kissed Me by PoeticXTC 9-Jan-06/9:00 PM
i like it the emotion is strong i'd maybe cut the last two stanzas though.
Re: a comment on portrait of powerlessness by digipoet 9-Jan-06/8:55 PM
hmmm i already took off the line "why did you render me thus" but i can see your point too! thx
Re: a comment on floss every day by digipoet 9-Jan-06/7:20 PM
Re: a comment on floss every day by digipoet 9-Jan-06/7:19 PM
rest assured the intent is decidedly sarcastic. :) thx for the comment.
Re: a comment on portrait of powerlessness by digipoet 9-Jan-06/7:15 PM
hmmm. no i don't maybe I should though I'll check out her poems.
Re: a comment on portrait of powerlessness by digipoet 9-Jan-06/7:14 PM
yeah it retrospect i agree the last line is kind of pointless...i guess i thought it was needed to emphasize the others actions towards the subject but it is already clear enough. thx.

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