meeting her gaze (Free verse) by digipoet
your face, my love
your lovely face
has seen a transformation
my meager rise
its ceiling low
falls short of inspiration
the parcels of
your face i see
reflect no condemnation
can Icarus
survive humiliation
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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Arithmetic Mean: 3.5
Weighted score: 4.928861
Overall Rank: 9202
Posted: April 17, 2006 11:38 PM PDT; Last modified: April 17, 2006 11:38 PM PDT
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125 view(s)
Second stanza is good, I enjoyed it.
'Parcels'? I didn't quite get anything so postal from this. Unless it's computing-based (I know just enough about technology to see there may be a connection). And again, 'face' appears too often.
Final stanza - good idea, although Icarus comes in a bit unexpectedly (I've been guilty of doing this myself, it's true). The only real clues you give beforehand are 'meager rise/its ceiling low' which isn't really enough. Good ending though.
I liked the form, I liked the rhythm and I liked the rhyme. I just think it needs the content worked on.
Maybe three stanzas would be better:
the parcels of
your face i see
reflect no condemnation
my meager rise
its ceiling low
falls short of inspiration
can Icarus
survive humiliation