Suggestions: (227 open)
Post a suggestionPlease be sure you're not duplicating someone else's suggestion or it will be deleted and ignored If you're going to post a BUG, I'd rather you just emailed me (kaolin.fire@poemranker.com) -- it's easier. :)
Displaying suggestions 201 - 210 of 227
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anonymous |
Last Post: 11-Mar-04/1:17 PM |
I suggest that poemranker.com be renamed. Here are my suggestions:
Shuushin |
Last Post: 23-Feb-04/7:57 PM |
I want to MOUSE OVER a user name, anyplace, and have the aliases show up IN THE STATUS BAR as a marquee.
Yeah, if you could just take care of that for me. I'm gonna haveta ask you to come in Saturday... M'kay, yeah. and if you could just come [...]
anonymous |
Last Post: 21-Feb-04/6:52 AM |
okay, new anonymous IPs, ie, people seeing poemranker.com for the first time, are served up not a random crap poem but one from the best 50 so that they are impressed with our awesome poetry.
nentwined |
Last Post: 17-Feb-04/10:11 AM |
search now searches users, too. and not just their names. ((only searches emails if you have those public, but it'll do your referrer text, your about text, ...))
Blindpoetry |
Last Post: 12-Feb-04/9:03 PM |
Um... How'about an official poemranker forum? I'd like to talk without having to post in the comment area. - I know there is a chat thing'o'ma'jig - but how the f- do you use it?!
Mind me if there is already one - ugh.
zodiac |
Last Post: 6-Feb-04/5:01 PM |
nentwined: I don't think I can use paypal for alms. There was some... unpleasantness a few years back. Can I send you a check? A treasure map?
zodiac |
Last Post: 5-Feb-04/2:02 PM |
Woah, nentwined, I thought when you delete a poem, the Rancor immediately allows you to post again - right? Crap! Now I've deleted a decent poem and I still don't get to post till tomorrow!!! This is coming out of your ass!!!
dmzoacan |
Last Post: 5-Feb-04/7:02 AM |
Hey I've just created a Poemranker community on Orkut.com (google's friendster/myspace knockoff, invite only) for all who have the means to join it.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
Last Post: 3-Feb-04/7:12 PM |
Far be it from me to felch out my stultifyingly ill-informed opinions all over this suggestion board, carelessly blundering all over the place like some sort of deranged Harris, but it seems to me that in light of the recent "poemewanking" fiascos, what th[...]