Suggestions: (227 open)
Post a suggestionPlease be sure you're not duplicating someone else's suggestion or it will be deleted and ignored If you're going to post a BUG, I'd rather you just emailed me (kaolin.fire@poemranker.com) -- it's easier. :)
Displaying suggestions 151 - 160 of 227
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OneFingerAnswer |
Last Post: 6-May-04/2:35 AM |
Is there a way that you could set it up so that instead of e-mailing people when a poem or comment is replied to that it could show up on their user page when they log in? If it'd be a hassle then don't mind but I think that it'd be easier Than checking e-[...]
anonymous |
Last Post: 6-May-04/2:35 AM |
"I am only embarrassed when I perceive myself to be stupid." - Rockmage
I would like to suggest we work all out to make Rockmage realise the folly of his ways.
thepinkbunnyofdoom |
Last Post: 6-May-04/2:34 AM |
It'd be nice if you could go back and edit your comments in case you mistyped a word or left on out
Nicholas Jones |
Last Post: 6-May-04/2:30 AM |
Can I suggest adding the clerihew to the types of poems list? A clerihew is a couplet where the first line is the name of a person, such as:
Thomas Hardy
Used to get sloshed on bacardi.
It's fairly unlikely anyone's going to write one, but they shou[...]
Tintagiles |
Last Post: 6-May-04/2:30 AM |
Also (whilst I'm making inane suggestions, I might as well follow them all through), it might be interesting to have a way that if people were to write a second draft, they could keep the first draft somewhere attached, that people could compare. It's wea[...]