Why I want to kill Opie (Other) by Bachus
e: A Voice Found by Blake
18-Aug-02, 07:06 AM
I hoped someone would ask...this is a
recalled memory of the age of six...
wasn't trying to make it Joycean
(here is where blake trys to come off as
being well read), per e. It's a personal
catharsis poem, which has apparent contradictions
(hear that folks apparent contradictions!)
as a result of what wasn't directly mentioned.
posted it to see how it would fare stylistically
(what exactly would you say "stylistically" seperates
your writing from the rest of the hippo shit moving
around these glossy floored circles.
Before I remove my work, to revise it,
I was wondering if you had an recommendations.
<this is where mr. blake sneaks into my office to
give me a dose of my own medicine, not only can he
erase comments at will, but he can also re-edit
your work for you without an okay>
(I fully intend to write magazine-worthy iambic pentameter.)
(let me no when you start, in all irony i would
not be suprised if you are moonlighting as an
anchor for cnn too)
Blake is going to write for magazines!
(another cheap gossip letch)
Blake is going to have a magazine-worthy
iambic pentameter!
Blake sucks fucking elephant cock, and wears the
blue peter badge of poetry!
Dreaming of funky pits blonde blind girl who
reads his messages with her taste budderific
false hype interest with her braille detecting
tongue, but lo and behold she
falls fat head over nylon stetched heels!
Blake is gonna eventually not rip off other famous
(shit worm) poets names just as soon as he gets
comfortable with his own skin good luck you
spineless fucker)
Blake isn't earth walker cuz earthwalker
isn't anymore all of his poems mysteriously
disappeared like area 51.
Wow! he's fox swimming the ginger bread man.
i wish mommy would put me on her whittle knee
for milk each evening to give me my poetic
vitamins. poem ranker is a 'hell of a original
site' run by pompous elitists who are unable to
debate openly with anyone who can write better ,
or on the same level as they can.
poemranker is a place where young and old a-like
converge to listen to blake fuck up a beautiful
story that's been being retold for 1,000's of
years, cuz in his mind he thinks he appreciates
it more than most people (and he weant's to jerk
off and tell us why and how) cuz
he's deep and worth it.
blake and earthtalker have many things in common,
such as:
1)little brains
2}little penises (cuz guys with huge dicks don't
write they fuck, not that i'd know)
3)male pattern baldness
4)small dogs for pets( Lhapsas)
5)fat stupid frigid girlfriends who think that
they are deep naked and force them to wear welding
glasses for the rest of their lifes
6)getting ass fucked by chauceur
7) absolutely no talent, just a comment erase button which proves
their loyalty to satan.
8) gerbal murdering tendencies
9) tight acne scarred ass cheeks
10) the unattainable desire to recreate themselves.
Good luck opie!
Tell Aunt may i sayed be well!
Don't rip off my window ledged pie, but if you have
to...go ahead and finger dip...you deserve it, and
a leather whored flailing.
Courtesy of the underground thought A-toll,
and Bachus tribunal..
All rights givin to the undeserving, and uninspired
front line cowards.
<remember this is a soup you can eat with a fork!>
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
| Graph | Votes |
10 |
5 | 0 |
9 |
0 | 1 |
8 |
1 | 0 |
7 |
0 | 0 |
6 |
0 | 0 |
5 |
0 | 0 |
4 |
0 | 0 |
3 |
1 | 0 |
2 |
0 | 0 |
1 |
0 | 0 |
0 |
2 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 7.0
Weighted score: 6.0
Overall Rank: 1265
Posted: August 18, 2002 8:58 AM PDT; Last modified: August 19, 2002 1:08 AM PDT
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Thanks for liking my poem "Just Another Day." I made a few changes. What do you think? Again thanks for your support. Doug Doug