My happy warm faith poem (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
I have a happy faith in you sir,
but not so much in them.
They chase me around town
Saying "Looky, looky, look at Britney
Spears... Watch the slow movements
of her subtle breasts... You are
getting sleepy..." Then, I wake up,
and I have drank all the Pepsi,
and my mom is calling me a sinner
because I have my pinner all moist
in my furiously pumping hairy hand.
And then my hide's tanned, and
I weep, but I have faith in you
sir, warm happy faithful feelings
welling up inside of me, and
when you get done doing
whatever in the fuck it is that
you've been doing up there
on cloud 9 for the last two
thousand years. I DEMAND
down here Lord! And show me
why! Why? Though I have a loving
Ma and Pa, and a stupid freckled
twit for a sister, and a tendency to
pee in the coleslaw, and a five
pound green fever blister.
I have happy faith lord that
though I scrub and lather
furiously in the shower
somewhere between Britney Spear's
slightly scarred left boob,
and Harvey Weinstein's unkosher
right nut, I have found some
kind of heaven Lord.
Due to the happy warm faith
I have for you. What else oh
Lord, what else can
the faithful do?
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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2 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 6.3
Weighted score: 5.65
Overall Rank: 2126
Posted: January 27, 2004 11:48 AM PST; Last modified: January 27, 2004 11:50 AM PST
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