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Break Down (Lyric) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
Look at you now You're so brand new With that strapless dress, and those Versacci shoes I'm still the same old me Haggard with my torn Levis Staring at my breakfast Thinking up, more lies, [chorus] And if we break down Oh, do not fear I'll go get some help, but it might take me a year Oh, don't look now Here comes triple A It's your ex boyfriend Todd I bet he thinks we threw a rod. {bridge} I don't talk no more I finally figured out What are words good for They were never mine anyways I think I'll just sit here, and keep my big mouth shut Just let me know was our love only made to burn the days away (verse 2) Look at you now You're so brand new With your strapless dress, all black, and those Versacci shoes I'm still the same old me Unshaved, and unclean Staring at my breakfast Looking haggard, and oh so lean, But if we break down Oh, do not fear Hey, I'll go get some help, but it might take me a year Oh, but don't look now Here comes triple A It's your ex boyfriend Todd I think he's here to save the day Yeah, save the day. I don't talk no more I finally figured out finally figured out What are words good for, since they were never really mine anyways I think I'll just sit here, and keep my, my big fucking mouth shut I'll cross my legs, and pour you some more tea. Just look at you now So brand new. (verse chords are F & G back and forth) [chorus chords are D, C, G, G, C, D depending] {Bridge chords are a, C, G, D twice}

Down the ladder: waiting for you

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.9
Weighted score: 5.95
Overall Rank: 1367
Posted: June 6, 2003 6:35 AM PDT; Last modified: June 6, 2003 6:35 AM PDT
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[n/a] INTRANSIT @ | 6-Jun-03/6:41 AM | Reply
My friends engine dropped a valve once. he brought it home in a bucket that night. 3 for the rod. 3 for the ex "hero" 2 for Merle, 2$ for a stiff cup of coffee.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > INTRANSIT | 6-Jun-03/6:57 AM | Reply
I don't believe I've understood a single word of anything you've said for the past three months, are you okay?
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ > Jeremi B. Handrinos | 6-Jun-03/7:25 AM | Reply
are poetes??? ever okay?
[n/a] horus8 @ > INTRANSIT | 6-Jun-03/7:32 AM | Reply
No, only when they're reading to a crowd, or sleeping in a crowd
[7] richa @ | 6-Jun-03/10:21 AM | Reply
never know how to write song lyrics
This is a good stab

perhaps an incendiary line or too to spice it up?
[9] Bill Z Bub @ | 6-Jun-03/4:31 PM | Reply
Great! Where's the mp3?
[n/a] horus8 @ > Bill Z Bub | 6-Jun-03/5:51 PM | Reply
Go to gangbox it's on the mp3 page in the seventy's. let me know what you think keep in my mind that it's acoustic using my computer's mic for a rough copt to give me an Idea before i go into the studio, but I'd be interested in getting some feedback. I could however e mail you an mp3 of it electrified. listen to the one first then let me know.
[5] jh99 @ | 28-Feb-10/5:42 AM | Reply
As one who writes lyrics as well and currently have some under contract, this is a good start. The ideas in this are coming off as original but seem too forced to be strong. I do like that you added the music chords and notes, something that I am working towards. Do not be afraid to look at all genres in music to inspire you. I write for anything from Bluegrass to Reggae to Ska to Folk, it makes you a better songwriter in some ways. This is a good start.
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