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Angels & Dinosaurs (Lyric) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
In the beginning Let there be light, but in the end there was still light In the middle There were angels & dinosaurs Getting it on with their star wars. [chorus through twice] And so what? If you can name comets With your, trash can eyes You know I'm used to it, and that's no big suprise I follow you everywhere like chasing my tail If this is heaven I'd hate to see hell. but I would, all for you Yes I would, if I could Think I should? But I won't, so I don't all for you. {verse, the second} The hand of god The strong arm of time It's an endless black It's a void sublime A jumbled mass swirling fast That we call stars but take another look, and you'll find... Angels & dinosaurs You'll find... Angels & dinosaurs You'll find... Angels turn dinosaurs. [chorus twice, then option back to first verse at will] And so what? If you can name comets With your, trash can eyes You know I'm used to it, and that's no big suprise I follow you everywhere like chasing my tail If that was heaven I'd hate to see hell. but I would all for you Yes I would, if I could Think I should? But I won't, so I don't all for you. No I would, if I could Think I should? But I won't, so I don't all for you, but if you take another look You'll find... Angels & dinosaurs You'll find... Angels & dinosaurs You'll find... Angels turned dinosaurs. Verse E, C, A(the A hold for 4 then repeat 8 times) to a 120 two beat or 4 beat tempo Chorus D, G, D, G, D, G, A, G, A (same tempo, or whatever)

Up the ladder: Unholy War
Down the ladder: The Bastard Earth

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.4
Weighted score: 5.2
Overall Rank: 4552
Posted: June 6, 2003 1:34 AM PDT; Last modified: June 6, 2003 1:34 AM PDT
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[0] deleted user @ | 6-Jun-03/2:02 AM | Reply
I suggest you change it to smurfs and poodles. Your street poetry is very coming of age! Bravo.
[n/a] Shardik @ > deleted user | 6-Jun-03/2:09 AM | Reply
Honestly, why would you give this a zero? lol. I at least give your poems what they deserve, 3's, 4's, 2's or I don't vote out of respect for the mentally challenged, don't you ever just get sick of something and ignore it?
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > deleted user | 25-Jun-03/11:15 PM | Reply
Yeah, I know poodle crotch

oops! I'm sorry did your mouth move because I thought I heard something. Yep those were the Angels & Dinosaurs squabbling over you're lack of creative outlets or a future not working for some one else. Because you're, well, a 9 to fiver assistant type of personality see. Where as I design my own at leisure. Chicky Chicky chaw yee yo yee haw.
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ | 6-Jun-03/6:30 AM | Reply
The repetetive-ness monster is here. I know you write a phenomenal amount and that you've allowed yourself to be distracted for the moment. IF you like these scribblings, then do them a propellor thing they deserve.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > INTRANSIT | 6-Jun-03/6:38 AM | Reply
I wrote it like I sing it, want me to email you the mp3? you have i tunes?
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ > Jeremi B. Handrinos | 6-Jun-03/6:43 AM | Reply
nah. I got squat fer a 'puter. can I get there via gangbox if I install quicktime or something? Top o the mornin!
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > INTRANSIT | 6-Jun-03/7:00 AM | Reply
Yeah, you can get an acoustic version there. It's like song 80 or something. Happy hunting, break downs there too. i still have to get with my producer in Venice to cut the grand takes with drums and etc. but they are good rough drafts for now.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ > INTRANSIT | 6-Jun-03/7:01 AM | Reply
No, it just seems that way because I can't sleep.
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