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I Miss You (Free verse) by Birdman42s
I never thought I'd see this day, I never thought I'd feel this way, You...a stranger to me now. I'm left with emptiness... I wish I knew how it could be, That we were once so open and free. You were like my brother.. yet so much more I wish I would have seen what I see now before. For, I did not and it's too late... My friend, my hero once, is now unknown. And what hurts the most is I now know.. What I lost.. and I'm alone. To face a challenge life has sent, And not a moment with you I regret. I just hope one day I can forgive you, my friend.. I miss you....

Up the ladder: The Merry Man
Down the ladder: Angels Struggle

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.571429
Weighted score: 5.422622
Overall Rank: 3040
Posted: March 25, 2003 7:14 PM PST; Last modified: March 25, 2003 7:14 PM PST
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[6] Caducus @ | 26-Mar-03/8:45 AM | Reply
you lose it a bit from : and what hurts, there is repetition, otherwise the sentiment has its heart in the right place 6
[0] poetandknowit @ | 26-Mar-03/3:28 PM | Reply
No wonder Caducus writes weak poems. Look at the stuff he likes.

Hey, birdman: I miss you, too.
[6] Caducus @ > poetandknowit | 27-Mar-03/6:12 AM | Reply
God your such a coward thats twice i've found you slagging me off, do you realize that you look like a 2 faced twat moaning all the time.
I prefer to encourage people there is a way of saying something, you are a selective critic who 99% of the time berates for sadistic kicks, the other 1% of you is all man.

Birdman, ignore this sorry scrag end of humanity he's the bits of shit left over after god finished humanity.
[0] poetandknowit @ > Caducus | 27-Mar-03/10:09 AM | Reply
You are right; I am a coward. It is due to a genetic weight problem (I eat to many tater chips)! It started when I was a wee lad. In primary, I was 200 pounds and all the girls made fun of me. This cased my penis to shrink (I still have never seen it due to the weight, but the doctors tell me it is so). Now I live a life of seclusion. Thank God Al Gore invented the Internet, because now I have the ability to exact my verbal revenge on cockney speaking Brits.
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