Moon In My Blood (Free verse) by AtalantaPendragonne
Woke from a dream of betrayal
I was bleeding
Hardly unexpected, this, but inconvienient nevertheless
I'm still in dream's shadow.
The elder brother I do not have has taken two new women.
They are unsuitable, I say. Their blood would not mix safely with ours.
His smile is dismissive, but they do not forget.
I am not so highly placed that I can afford enemies
Even my brother's concubines.
When I wake I am bleeding.
Bleeding, and I still see the shadow of their faces.
He says, it was only a dream.
Only a dream, and you have no elder brother.
The only brother you have is much younger, and far away besides.
Still I can hear the words I spoke in warning
The laughing denial in my brother's voice
The narrow plotting eyes of his women
My search for a hiding place.
When I wake I am bleeding.
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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3 | 1 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 7.375
Weighted score: 5.638736
Overall Rank: 2141
Posted: February 27, 2003 11:21 AM PST; Last modified: February 27, 2003 11:21 AM PST
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