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Mislead (Free verse) by PK
Wretched bitch....Mislead fling Lost behind Mardi Gras's theme. Masked as the Debonair, Lost in vein... Pleasurable moans, Exotic screams... Ecstasy unleashed, Extreme climax... A pure heart screams, vaguely obvious. Falls then deep...into a first-time scene. Alcohol and booze - soak her thoughts.... Under the influence -- Of the masked Debonair.

Up the ladder: The Angel and The Ass
Down the ladder: Sperm Donor Clown

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.888889
Weighted score: 5.888779
Overall Rank: 1509
Posted: February 4, 2003 7:27 PM PST; Last modified: February 4, 2003 7:27 PM PST
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[5] Bachus @ | 4-Feb-03/8:26 PM | Reply
I draw a bead from up high in my cliff side perch. The sun is sweltering and blasting my eyes cruel like. a little closer..damnit, as sweat is stinging my sore chapped lips... just a bit *crack* cha chink ba chink ker *ack*.
a confused horse with an empty saddle and a wilting and tumbling head of kale are all that's sadly left. my work is done here. i put my new 30 od self re-chirping kale gun with cell phone coimpatibility back in it'd photosynthetic recharger, mount my palfrey and depart into the crimson and burnt umber dipping orb(the sun) whilst whistling a sullen ballad nonetheless in G chirpe. another day, another bounty, and i'm none the wiser....dewwy ewewy ewe dew ewe ew. dew dew dewey dew dew dew dewey dew. that's just the big chirpe on my shoulders talking there people coupled by the experience of my clovered hooves.
[n/a] Caducus @ | 5-Feb-03/9:13 AM | Reply
nice poem but couldn't link what the title had to do with any of it.
[7] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 5-Feb-03/3:48 PM | Reply
Sometimes i laugh at myself, some times i don't I.... (thwumpe) <Baba is knocked off of the podium and into the shadows by what appears to be a head of kale? from where? It has a Nasa stamp on it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU FOOLS! NOT THE KALE TOO!>
[8] cuddlytiger17 @ | 10-May-04/1:25 PM | Reply
You have so much emotion into this, it really grabs the readers attention. I like it a lot!!!
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