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Hey Yo Let me flow Introduce myself to the masses Rage aginst the high classes I'm UAFANTHORPEY Got Herpes From a hot dog vender By the name of Gender Bender bruva Was a member of the four horsemen Now their law enforcement Can no longer adore em Always looking gorgeous Feeling nautious What's all this hatred of the black They aint Half Caste like that Do they walk half a walk? No, you can't talk. When I'm feeling a little hosse This is Heartbreak he's my one man posse Yo, you shouldn't have messed in the first place How does it feel to get the Raw Deal And a UA Verbal stinkface

Up the ladder: Damn Americans
Down the ladder: House of Pain

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.285714
Weighted score: 4.807899
Overall Rank: 11034
Posted: January 13, 2003 11:08 AM PST; Last modified: January 13, 2003 11:08 AM PST
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[4] hipster flare @ | 13-Jan-03/11:36 AM | Reply
general inconsistent tone.
[4] <~> @ | 13-Jan-03/11:57 AM | Reply
feelin' noxius meself
[9] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 13-Jan-03/3:09 PM | Reply
totally fucking brilliant. "You get "THE HUT" with penguine feet for proper shuffling. you need a turntable solo though <inbetween> {with a chicky, a wicky, a booger flicky.chik chik chaw chik chaw chicky chaw.a chicky, a wicky, a booger flicky.chik chik chaw chik chaw chicky chaw.
[9] horus8 @ | 27-Feb-04/3:35 PM | Reply
Me too, I had a herpe so fucking huge last week, I could stand behind it.
154 view(s)

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