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Damn Americans (Free verse) by T'ien
u spell like shit i mean u cant even spell foetus! u put dates backwards cause ur stupid arseholes u have the most anoying accent i ever heard(whichever part of the country ur from) plus wot is it with your denial of dictatorship can u spell totalitarianism

Up the ladder: Caged
Down the ladder: RAP MASTER

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.285714
Weighted score: 4.807899
Overall Rank: 11036
Posted: January 8, 2003 6:59 AM PST; Last modified: January 8, 2003 6:59 AM PST
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[n/a] INTRANSIT @ | 8-Jan-03/7:01 AM | Reply
no. but I can spell c-z-e-c-h-o-s
uh, Damn! where's my dictionary?!!!
[n/a] Caducus @ | 8-Jan-03/8:09 AM | Reply
Oh dear I fear people are going to correct you that u is spelled 'you' and annoying is mispelled also, if your gonna have a go dont leave yourself open for corrections
[n/a] T'ien @ > Caducus | 8-Jan-03/10:59 AM | Reply
spelling mistakes=deliberate
[n/a] horus8 @ | 8-Jan-03/10:15 AM | Reply
can you spell perpetual?
[n/a] ==Doylum @ > horus8 | 9-Mar-03/3:40 PM | Reply
no fuck off!!
[10] deleted user @ | 8-Jan-03/11:04 AM | Reply
he cant help it he has a reason, dyslexia, i dont i just have higher things than speeling
[n/a] T'ien @ > deleted user | 8-Jan-03/11:06 AM | Reply
oi dyslexia i wot i have do not!
[10] MuDvAyNe @ | 8-Jan-03/12:48 PM | Reply
i bet half of them havent even heard of some of the greates people who have been alive, like Lao Tzu, Pooh, Nietzche, Descartes (yeh right!)
[n/a] Ranger @ | 9-Jan-03/2:24 AM | Reply
Which side shall I join now...
[0] lunar @ > Ranger | 9-Jan-03/2:20 PM | Reply
This is more of a rant-with-stamp about the stupidness of americans than a poem but whatever. i hope ur dyslexia sorts itself out
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