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Johannesburg 2002 (Free verse) by Blue Magpie
"The rest of the world has to stand up to the axis of environmental evil that is the US backed by Canada and Australia" Tony Juniper Vice chairman Friends of the Earth International 29 August 2002. Spin-doctor, spin-doctor tell me a story make greed look like wisdom and theft look like glory. Tell me my government's not so uncouth as to pay men a fortune for killing the truth. Tell me my leaders accepted the cure for saving the planet and feeding the poor. Tell me we're pretty, we're kind and we're good tell me we've done the best that we could. Tell me, oh tell me and make me believe you're telling the truth with the lies that you weave. But I'll know that you're lying, they pay you lie and each year there are millions more who must die for no other reason than their bellies are empty while we have so much that it's much more than plenty. Here are some facts that might make you think. One point one billion without clean water to drink, while two point five billion must live in the stink that arises when people have no sanitation and you tell me all this deserves no lamentation. When the rich nations met at the summit in Rio they signed an agreement to let the world know of all of the good things they were planning to do but not one of these promises ever came true. The fifteen richest nations are much richer now yet all but two manage to give less somehow, and use clever statistics to make less look like more while praying that God will take care of the poor, Where is the threat to US and the US of A a land that grows richer with each passing day by cutting in half the percentage it gives and failing to act on the way that it lives, that shouts very loudly whenever there's strife but continues to cheat on both nature and life. Where is the evil when we in our affluence leave our neighbours to rot in industrial effluents that pander to us but let them pay the cost in lives that are crippled and habitats lost. When our riches were made from the sweat off their backs is it really surprising we fear more attacks. Spin doctor, witch doctor mouth full of pigswill the words that you're speaking are making us all ill you know it's all lies and lying's a vice how can we forget .... that there's always a price.

Up the ladder: Unsaid
Down the ladder: Smack me

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.8333335
Weighted score: 5.493059
Overall Rank: 2761
Posted: November 25, 2002 9:35 PM PST; Last modified: November 25, 2002 9:35 PM PST
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[10] Ranger @ | 26-Nov-02/2:19 AM | Reply
This is brilliant. I can't fault this at all. Oh, except is it "They pay you *to* lie" (line 17)? Eleven out of ten
[n/a] Blue Magpie @ > Ranger | 26-Nov-02/8:21 PM | Reply
Hi Ranger,
Thanks for the reply and the crit, seeing how long I worked on this it's amazing what still slips through.
[8] Caducus @ | 26-Nov-02/3:52 AM | Reply
So they pissed you off huh?

This IS a confounding and impressive piece, well done -8-
[n/a] Blue Magpie @ > Caducus | 26-Nov-02/8:24 PM | Reply
Hi Caducus,
Yeah, the combination of spin doctors, Tony Bleah sent 40, and the WTO made the summit a bit of a wimp out.
[9] hobojo @ | 26-Nov-02/6:32 AM | Reply
This ecco's my sentiments - we should not be surprised when we are attacked by those we flourish off of. This is written quite well - S4L4 - how bought "that arizes when people live with disease; and polluted airs cause some to gasp and to weeze.
[n/a] Blue Magpie @ > hobojo | 26-Nov-02/8:28 PM | Reply
Hi Hobojo,
Thanks for the reply and for the suggestion.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 15-Feb-03/7:49 AM | Reply
I like the way you've used the planet in your poeme as a metaphor for our own planet: Earth. Are we to just stand about like kidneys whilst our governments destroy thousands of acres of rainforest simply to fuel their own greedy capitalist agendas? I don't think so, buddy.

I'd like to quote, if I may, a section from your poeme that tackles such issues with astounding clarity:

"...two point five billion must live in the stink
that arises when people have no sanitation
and you tell me all this deserves no lamentation."

I'm not some sort of international hero, but I know I'll be doing some lamenting in the coming weeks and months. Will you?

Good Christ, I hope so.
[n/a] horus8 @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 15-Feb-03/10:28 AM | Reply
I'm willing to guess you are the cute one onthe organ with all ot the awardes... Do you ever get bored of people telling you that you are great? I do. You know i knew River. If he saw this he would weep. I'm glad that you are close to your father James. I hate mine... Passionately.

river phoenix???:

life coach???:
mail order manager for an online men's shop??
evangelist minister?

[7] <~> @ > horus8 | 15-Feb-03/10:33 AM | Reply
oh my. where ever did you get this dirt????
[n/a] horus8 @ | 15-Feb-03/11:01 AM | Reply
Try an aqueduct. it worked for those spineless culture swiping Romans.
By the way... i went into my garage today, and was like, "what in the fuck is that smell?". Then i noticed a dead guy who looked like a cross between Bud Abbot and Robert Frost, buyt more brittle and pleasing to the eyes... he was dead from drinking to much gas from the syphon hose hanging out of my car. he didn't know i had that much sugar in my tank... he's stinking up my garage wearing his bike shorts and diplomas now. that dead guy is Babbit11. Dead and stinking up my garage with a funny clear hose hanging out of his mouth and his hand down his pants... life is funny like that...aint it.
Alas, my sense of humor is an extremely honed and barbed penis... way south of the border genitileman.
why you might ask? Low paying soft porn, high paying gay porn. and a ban on donkey cock rings in my county. REAP IT!
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 15-Feb-03/1:46 PM | Reply
After reading your work more closely i'm convinced that you know squat, but hey thanks for your opinion. Here's a suggestion. Go breast feed an indigenous tribe of pygmies with ebola then move to another planet, because in the end this poem and your opinion will be the same colored ash as burnt bodies burnt money and a colonizing burnt attitude thatywe could of only learned by asexual aliens that have never hugged a fucking tree or gone for a swim...ever. thanks mom for a matriarchal chromosome i can never shake..fuck off eve, you got alot of balls to have helped forge the situation to now take this stance. REAP IT!
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 15-Feb-03/2:25 PM | Reply
for instance; say in the lab one day you created horus8 gave him his own country, programmed the shit out of him as far as programming goes...then equipped him with all kinds of nasty weapons to do nasty things with. (the whole thing in iraq started years ago between the french and the english anyway over oil of course and who should get better deals on it) so don't blame a father son idiot team from texas and the canadians and australians for wanting to get their fix now. after all they are just picking up where the fucking english, french and dutch left off. now would you allow horus8 to keep his country and his weapons regardless of how in the fuck he came to be? What are you stupid? He will bite the hand that feeds him he already has...he will use them. He as already commited genocide against the kurds over a 100 thousand gassed and fryed. what in the fuck are the french going to do about that? nothing, just like everyone else. So, here... go read Frankenstein by shelly one more time then read your poem, and tell me again how much you know. Regardless of who's right or wrong. everyones wrong... Iraq must be revamped, and America will take it, and that's why the french are freaked, bercause then they wont be getting their oil that cheap anymore... Yes america is the beast and in the bible... the beast wins fools. Next is N. Korea and you know what...they know it. In a chess game one doesn't stop mid game and start playing checkers for a break... one finishes the game period, and by the way the war already started months ago. our special forces have been working hard inside the borders of Iraq for almost a year... training the kurds. iraq will be under america's thumb within the next year easilly. i'd wager my left hand, care to bet.
[n/a] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 15-Feb-03/2:35 PM | Reply
As sam kinneson said "what in the fuck are you trying toi grow crops in the desert for, if your starving...move out of the desert... i know it's your father's land and his before that, but it's a desert why are you sitting in a pile of sand trying to grow corn? if your fucking starving why would you have fifteen kids? these people don't need food or water for christ sake. they need someone to explain to them
that a pile of sand fifteen kids aids and three corn kernals pretty much means your fucked it's time to move and try something new.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 15-Feb-03/4:22 PM | Reply
I hate to say this Jeremi, but I think that the opinions of both yourself and Sam Kinneson are simultaneously unbelievably wrong and unbelievably arrogant. Your embarrassing ignorance concerning the AIDS virus was amply demonstrated to us all when you insisted that the word "AIDS" was synonymous with the word "gay". At first glance, this might seem like a perfectly reasonable statement to make, especially in light of recent events in the US of A; but on closer inspection, your naughtiness is made only too clear: "AIDS" is not a word. It is an acronym. When will people learn that it is careless acronymity, not careless promiscuity, that lies at the root of the AIDS problem? How long do we, the British public, have to sit by and watch as thousands of innocent bystanders are carelessly infected with these deadly acronyms before someone gets off their fat bum and actually does something about it? Too long, I say! So, for the love of sweet merciful Christ, please give just two pounds a month, or whatever you can afford, to:

Careless Acronyms Can Kill (C.A.C.K),
24 Bishop's Wagon,
Chauncery Hostel Lane,

Thank you.
Now James, let us not confuse synonymous with coincidence, it's distracting and trivial. not to mention un Donnie Darko like, and we love Donnie. Don't we... How's your electric organ? Tuned I pray.
None of those sentences make any sense.
Someone just excitedly shrieked "Go on my son, go on!" and clapped twice outside my window.
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