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Angel (Free verse) by Mada
angel lodged in my mind staring at cloudy ceiling with eyes as blue as the sky above and as deep as my heartbeat radiant hair billowing in the wind the mist entangling with her voice giving me a sensation of heaven making a smile spread across myself and a light across my soul no mere words of mine can capture the spot in my heart that is reserved only for her for no one can make me sit so late at night and smile to myself smiling to a picture of an angel

Up the ladder: Hammered Nail
Down the ladder: living room

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Arithmetic Mean: 3.6666667
Weighted score: 3.825604
Overall Rank: 13481
Posted: May 18, 2002 8:17 AM PDT; Last modified: May 18, 2002 8:17 AM PDT
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[2]... anonymous @ | 18-May-02/10:30 AM | Reply
the mind bending awfulness of this drivel defies description
[2]... anonymous @ | 18-May-02/12:12 PM | Reply
im sorry - but what's this meant to mean?
it's desperateness at it's best
[2]... anonymous @ | 19-May-02/12:24 PM | Reply
This really is awful. I think if puked on a bit of paper it would make a better poem. What does it even mean? You should be banned from writing anything ever again.
[2]... anonymous @ | 19-May-02/12:26 PM | Reply
a textual euphemism for utter shite.
[2] dilips_10 @ | 20-Jul-02/3:38 AM | Reply
too many of this kind
[10] Dancer @ | 17-Mar-03/6:44 AM | Reply
Enjoyed reading, it touched me.
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