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Staring through you (Free verse) by creepshow
Talking online, wasting all my damned time, thoughts wandering just like they always do. Feeding your compulsive aura, stroking your complex ego to get what I want. Looking back on that day, your disgusting smile creeping on your lips. You thought you won my dear, but now you'll never when your reward will come. All your blasphemy blasted me away, and your insincerity shall be stripped away. I hate what I have become since then, even though you released me from my mental prison. I am still owned by you, cleansing from beneath your skin, your scent travels through me, chills of icy steel in me. The day I looked back from that car, I realised just what you are. A selfish ghost, reaving all that was dear to me, now I stare back into nothing, all that you are, all that was make believe... All of it was a deluded reality, now I simply stare through your eyes, dead and hollow they actually are now. Hollow and empty like your shell of a body. I gaze into your putrid mind, and peel your skin back to reveal that I am looking right into my own self. I have stared into the abyss, and saw my own relflection.

Up the ladder: My brain’s dialogue
Down the ladder: fumes

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.3333335
Weighted score: 4.9205313
Overall Rank: 9466
Posted: September 18, 2006 10:24 AM PDT; Last modified: September 18, 2006 10:24 AM PDT
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[7] Ranger @ | 19-Sep-06/7:56 AM | Reply
Nasty poems work best with a solid structure for guidance. This, although undeniably nasty, could do with being structured. As it is, it reads like a stop-start collection of thoughts - which doesn't flow very well.

By the way, do you really do all this?
[6] ecargo @ | 20-Sep-06/10:12 AM | Reply
Wow--hope that released some of the obvious animosity. If you peel away some of this, you'd have the makings of a decent "fuck you" zombie poem.
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